Prayer, clinics, and curry oh my!
The kids have had a great time at the past couple eyeglass clinics where they were able to fit 270 people with new reading glasses! The kids have noticed that we have seen so many more smiles and grateful expressions at these past couple clinics that we have held. With all the clinics in total we have fit roughly 1200 pairs of glasses! All the glory be to God for all the people that we haven’t been able to come in contact with! Another praise report is that we were able to share the gospel with the doctor that works at the clinic with us, Prasanth , and hopefully will be able to have to opportunity to be able to give him his own Bible this week!
We have also been given the opportunity to do prayer walks in the pastors neighborhood and in other areas every night! There have been so many God-given opportunities that the teens have been able to be a part of. One of our girls Jessica was able to lead someone to Christ on the first night, and Liam had the gift of being able to share the gospel with a lady in the village and the Lord convicted her to accept Christ as her savior. Afterwards he gave her a Bible in the native language It was such a loving and compassionate to do! We are so proud of both of them for their boldness in Christ! Among the evil spirits, worship of foreign gods, or strange cultural practices this kid still yearned to share Christ in every home. To God be all the glory! For He is our confidence on this team!
One last ministry opportunity that five of the teens were involved in it was a children’s ministry! They were able to spend time with 40 kids and teach them songs and share Bible stories! Naomi got the chance to share the story of Jonah with them, she was able to explain it in a perfect way that the little ones were able to understand! It’s still the team members with so much joy and love getting to give high-fives, fist bumps, and the love of Jesus! The people that went to the ministry got to ride in the autos (tuk-tuks, or the local transportation) to the house they served at. According to them it was “so much fun!!!”, “so awesome”, or as some of them said “this is the best ride we’ve had!!” It was truly an experience for them.
NOW SNACK BREAK! On Monday we were able to find a Domino’s Pizza along with sodas and ice cream bars on the side… The team is so ecstatic to have a little taste of home! Let’s just say they were fed really good. They also had another chance to buy snacks from the store yesterday let’s just say there are lots of lays, chocolate, and coca-Cola involved. They are on cloud nine with the access that we have to the local grocery stores at our new home!
Other great things that of happened at our new host home is the insane amount of coffee that they have so graciously been making for us every morning. It is such a great morning surprise for the kids and especially for the leaders! With a little bit of Jesus and coffee fix every morning this team has all the energy in the world!
We have been so incredibly blessed by all of the special treats and Devine appointments that the Lord has provided for us this week! We continue to thank Him for all things that have been happening in and through this team!
Please be praying that
-we would have more opportunities to share the gospel
-that we would all be growing closer to the Lord in the last couple of days that we have left in India
-that we see the Lords hand in everything that we do
-for all the kids hearts to be opened to what the Lord is wanting to tell them!
Now for a special section of this report requested by Emily.
The animals that we’ve seen
three little kittens
A dog that was super excited
Weird color changing lizards( no not chameleons)
Ugly chickens
Multicolored chicks/ real live peeps
Lots of goats
Oodles of cows
And a toad the team named Larry…
Now to hear from a few team members!
India is beautiful and I love the people. I think my favorite thing is the daily bus ride. We put on the LED lights, jam out to music, then go to sleep. I love it here!miss you mum and Dad! -Ava
At first I wasn’t sure why God brought me here, I thought “Lord out of everyone you could have sent to share the gospel with these people, why me!” Then one day in my devotions He placed Ephesians 4:1-2 on my heart Paul says “ I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” God didn’t need me for this mission, but he choose me to have the privilege of serving Him through it! I was dead in my transgressions and sins, but through Christ I am made alive! I now understand that it is not only the mission field where I am called to be in my faith and sharer he gospel, but in every aspect of my life where the Lord wills it! I am so grateful that God is patient with me and my shortcomings, his ways are so much better than mine! When I am anxious I remember John 14:24, and it becomes clear that even though I don’t know the future I do know the one who holds it! Shout out to my family at home if your seeing this, I miss you all like crazy! Counting down the days until I can see you again, love you so much! - Alivia B.