What a spirit filled crazy week we have had!
The kids continue to love to eat and have been raving over the cinnamon rolls that we had for breakfast a couple days ago. They have also immensely enjoyed the countless cups of chai that people prepare for us at the clinics. Kaleb in particular has loved drinking the chai and trying many new foods. The hospitality and kindness that this team has been shown is truly inspiring, especially the many delicious Indian meals we ate this week at churches and houses, including chicken curry, lentils, and lots and lots of rice! Makayla really enjoyed a breakfast delicacy called “bonda” that reminded her of an Indian hush puppy. What a creative name because that is truly what they tasted like!
The kids were quite excited to shop at the local grocery store and use their rupees for the first time. There were smiles all around as they bought up all the Oreos and Coke. All of them got so many amazing goodies and enough treats to probably last them the whole summer! One of the girls thought she got an ice cream bar in a box but it ended up just being ice cream in a box…things are a bit different here.
The clinics continue to be busy with many patients. The kids love praying with patients and are excited every time we enter a safe village where the central government is not anti-Christian and they are able to share their wordless bracelets and pray. Abby S. especially loves holding and loving on all the babies at the clinics. Please pray especially for the 2 Hindu doctors working with our clinic, Prasant and Kopi.
Today we move for a short stay with Pastor Ramesh, who will be helping our kids with clinics for the next four days. On Sunday Pastor Ramesh led us in 2 church services and the kids were able to meet some kids from Teen Missions India who have gone to boot camp at the base here.
Please pray for safety when we travel and that God would continue to keep the team in good health.
“India has been great! I love it here. Even their language is beautiful (Telugu). I really think God is calling me to long term missions here. I keep saying, “It fuels my soul.” I’m learning and experiencing so much here. These memories I’m making I will cherish forever.” Jessica W.
“Being here in India has really opened my eyes. Despite being a majority Hindu nation, the Christians here are not afraid to share about God’s love. I’ve already learned so much and I can feel myself growing closer with God every day.” Ryan B.
“So far my favorite part of the trip has been going to the clinics and getting to experience the culture here. I love the vibrance of the culture and the people’s language. It amazes me how personally God knows each of them when we can’t even understand each other. I love and miss you all back home.” Callie D.