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Costa Rica Report

Costa Rica Report

We haven’t even been here a week and our building is close to finished! Our team has dug holes for pillars, placed the pillars with concrete, lifted the very heavy concrete slides for the walls, begun pouring the floor, and also begun the frame for the roof! Whether it is mixing concrete, lifting heavy objects, or digging, the kids are tackling their worksite jobs with determination. It has been very rewarding to see their work unfolding so quickly before their eyes.
The locals here have church on Saturday night and Sunday is for family time, so we had our first church service on Saturday night. The worship music was especially touching, as many of the songs were recognizable to our team. We were singing along in English as they sang in Spanish. It was a beautiful picture of the nations worshipping the one true God together. One song in particular was a Boot Camp song, Days of Elijah! Our team presented their puppets, a drama, shared testimonies, and sang several songs for the church. It was a very enjoyable evening.
On Sunday, we toured a local farmer’s papaya plantation and then walked to a river for a swim. We enjoyed a picnic lunch by the river. It was a sweet time of fellowship and bonding. Afterwards, we worked on quizzing. This team LOVES quizzing and will even do it during their own free time! We then ended the day walking to a small shop for ice cream, chips, candy, and soda. Some of the boys bought a loaf of bread and thought it was the greatest thing since… well, sliced bread, lol. 
Muchas Gracias for all of your continued prayers!
From the team:

Beatrix Y.- Hi, everyone!  Everything is going well with the project!  It is running along smoothly and everyone is quickly settling into a rhythm.  One of my favorite things has been practicing Bible verse quizzing. The neighbors are members of the church and the kids love to come up to the fence and say hi!  We celebrated my birthday with cake, candy, singing, and lots of happy birthdays!  It was really fun!  Adios, amigos!
Price C.- Good to know that people at home can still see our progress. We’ve made some big moves in terms of our schoolhouse, we now have all the concrete walls set up, then we’ll do the glass windows. And we’ve had to make large amounts of concrete, which isn’t very tasty :(. Regardless, the work has been fun, especially as a team. Stay safe and healthy everyone at home!
Levi T.- having a lot of fun! Working hard, we are getting pretty close to finishing our project.  Making new friends. Still have not gotten in any trouble. Love you mom
Shannon S - Hello! In only about a week our work project looks really close to being done! So exciting! One of my favorite parts of the day is morning devotions. I love spending time with God and reading His word. The Lord has taught me so much!

Costa Rica Team Arrived Safely at Debrief
Costa Rica final report from the field!
By: Costa Rica Team Leaders
Costa Rica team update...
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