Costa Rica team update...
The Costa Rica team is over here feeling refreshed and full of the joy of the Lord after these last few days! We had an absolutely awesome weekend that will serve as many treasured memories for years to come.
On Friday, our team walked back down the rocky, dirt road to the little school where we were painting a few days ago. This time, however, instead of wearing hard hats and gloves, they were there to perform a presentation for the whole school. They sang several kid songs in Spanish that were a really big hit, danced and performed puppets, and put on the drama, “Colors,” about the creation of the world. Afterwards, they went out into the schoolyard and played games with the kids. A few of our kids used the opportunity to distribute their dolls and teddy bears to the precious children at the school. They were each given the toys at the beginning of the summer and told to pray about child to give them to.
Building on the momentum and excitement that comes from sharing the joy and love of Christ, we decided to use our Saturday as a day of evangelism. Our team split into four groups and went door to door around the village of Bajo Las Brisas handing out tracts, wordless bracelets, coloring books, dolls and teddy bears, and spent time praying with the locals. A few moments that stuck out were praying for healing over a man with cancer, praying for healing and restoration for several who were hurt by the church, and the particular joy and gratitude of one lady who had multiple sick children. It was such a neat way to get to personally meet the people in this village that we have been living amongst for the last few days.
The lady leaders have been purchasing eggs and chickens from one of our neighbors for our entire time here and have developed a relationship with the woman affectionately dubbed as the “chicken lady.” This sweet relationship inspired an invitation for the chicken lady to host our whole team for lunch! It doesn’t get much more authentic of a meal and experience than that! We gathered at her home for our Saturday lunch and thoroughly enjoyed the “chicken lady’s” cooking. She prepared a mixed dish of veggies, rice, and chicken with a side of salad and avocado. She also made a “flan” type of dessert cake that was divine. We gave her a hearty “MUCHAS GRACIAS” on the count of three before we left!
On Sunday, we visited a new church that was far up into the gorgeous mountains. We were surrounded by the Lord’s beautiful and majestic creation and many of the kids were very awestruck by the scenery. The luscious green mountains were spotted with white sheep, lined with crops, and piercing through the clouds at their peaks. A local told us they had just seen a panther, so many of us had fun scanning the mountains intently to see if we could catch a peak. The church was nestled on the edge of a cliff overlooking the rolling hills and valley beneath. What a location for a church! We performed another presentation and worshipped once more with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Costa Rica. A particular moment worth sharing was the ending worship song when the pastor invited people up to dance before the Lord with him. A few of our team members jumped right in and danced with energy for a long time until the song ended. The church then provided a snack of coffee and chicken and rice. From there, we ate lunch at a local restaurant, where the kids were once again able to purchase ice cream as a dessert.
The day just kept getting better when a neighbor invited the team to his house for snow-cones after we returned home. We gathered in his outdoor pavilion that was decorated with all kinds of neat chairs: a hammock, a tire chair, and watermelon tables. We fellowshipped with one another and our neighbors while enjoying the sweet treat. Afterwards, a game of soccer was suggested. We walked down to the community soccer field and joined in with a bunch of kids from the village for the most exciting soccer game! Everyone had a blast playing soccer well past supper time! We made our way back in the dark for a nighttime “snack” of pbandjs, fruit, and chocolate cake, and then devos, quizzing, and bed!
This morning, we may have some sore calves and feet, but it was all so well worth it! We are back to work on the office and classrooms, doing our best to finish plastering all of the walls. We appreciate your prays for endurance, zeal, and strength to finish of our last week here!
From the team:
DJ H.- This past few days had some sickness, but over all, it was my favorite week here! We went to play soccer with some locals and had a blast!
Ben S.- We had so much fun playing with the local kids in soccer last night. It has been so fun working on the project and getting to weld. I also enjoy getting to plaster.
Levi T.- Last night we played soccer for about 2 hours and had a blast! I got one goal might I mention. We had lunch with one of the locals the other day, and the food was amazing. Can’t wait to share stories when I get home.
Sam P.- It has been really fun here the last few days we were by supposedly one of the highest peaks in Costa Rica and it was very very beautiful. We have had a lot of good food that I wish I could share with y’all! I had a lot of fun playing a pickup soccer game yesterday with the locals. Love you and miss you stay safe!
Levi S.- The last couple of days have been really fun. I loved all the opportunities to evangelize. We had lunch at a nice neighbor lady’s house. I LOVED the chicken and rice. Yesterday at the church, the service was really good. We also played soccer, which was really great playing with the locals. Can’t wait to see y’all!
Sadie P.- To the best dad in the whole world (my dad). Happy Birthday :) thanks for being such a great dad to so many kids! I hope tomorrow (the 25th) is the best birthday you have had yet. I miss you and love you and the family bunches. Happy Birthday!

On Friday, our team walked back down the rocky, dirt road to the little school where we were painting a few days ago. This time, however, instead of wearing hard hats and gloves, they were there to perform a presentation for the whole school. They sang several kid songs in Spanish that were a really big hit, danced and performed puppets, and put on the drama, “Colors,” about the creation of the world. Afterwards, they went out into the schoolyard and played games with the kids. A few of our kids used the opportunity to distribute their dolls and teddy bears to the precious children at the school. They were each given the toys at the beginning of the summer and told to pray about child to give them to.
Building on the momentum and excitement that comes from sharing the joy and love of Christ, we decided to use our Saturday as a day of evangelism. Our team split into four groups and went door to door around the village of Bajo Las Brisas handing out tracts, wordless bracelets, coloring books, dolls and teddy bears, and spent time praying with the locals. A few moments that stuck out were praying for healing over a man with cancer, praying for healing and restoration for several who were hurt by the church, and the particular joy and gratitude of one lady who had multiple sick children. It was such a neat way to get to personally meet the people in this village that we have been living amongst for the last few days.
The lady leaders have been purchasing eggs and chickens from one of our neighbors for our entire time here and have developed a relationship with the woman affectionately dubbed as the “chicken lady.” This sweet relationship inspired an invitation for the chicken lady to host our whole team for lunch! It doesn’t get much more authentic of a meal and experience than that! We gathered at her home for our Saturday lunch and thoroughly enjoyed the “chicken lady’s” cooking. She prepared a mixed dish of veggies, rice, and chicken with a side of salad and avocado. She also made a “flan” type of dessert cake that was divine. We gave her a hearty “MUCHAS GRACIAS” on the count of three before we left!
On Sunday, we visited a new church that was far up into the gorgeous mountains. We were surrounded by the Lord’s beautiful and majestic creation and many of the kids were very awestruck by the scenery. The luscious green mountains were spotted with white sheep, lined with crops, and piercing through the clouds at their peaks. A local told us they had just seen a panther, so many of us had fun scanning the mountains intently to see if we could catch a peak. The church was nestled on the edge of a cliff overlooking the rolling hills and valley beneath. What a location for a church! We performed another presentation and worshipped once more with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Costa Rica. A particular moment worth sharing was the ending worship song when the pastor invited people up to dance before the Lord with him. A few of our team members jumped right in and danced with energy for a long time until the song ended. The church then provided a snack of coffee and chicken and rice. From there, we ate lunch at a local restaurant, where the kids were once again able to purchase ice cream as a dessert.
The day just kept getting better when a neighbor invited the team to his house for snow-cones after we returned home. We gathered in his outdoor pavilion that was decorated with all kinds of neat chairs: a hammock, a tire chair, and watermelon tables. We fellowshipped with one another and our neighbors while enjoying the sweet treat. Afterwards, a game of soccer was suggested. We walked down to the community soccer field and joined in with a bunch of kids from the village for the most exciting soccer game! Everyone had a blast playing soccer well past supper time! We made our way back in the dark for a nighttime “snack” of pbandjs, fruit, and chocolate cake, and then devos, quizzing, and bed!
This morning, we may have some sore calves and feet, but it was all so well worth it! We are back to work on the office and classrooms, doing our best to finish plastering all of the walls. We appreciate your prays for endurance, zeal, and strength to finish of our last week here!
From the team:
DJ H.- This past few days had some sickness, but over all, it was my favorite week here! We went to play soccer with some locals and had a blast!
Ben S.- We had so much fun playing with the local kids in soccer last night. It has been so fun working on the project and getting to weld. I also enjoy getting to plaster.
Levi T.- Last night we played soccer for about 2 hours and had a blast! I got one goal might I mention. We had lunch with one of the locals the other day, and the food was amazing. Can’t wait to share stories when I get home.
Sam P.- It has been really fun here the last few days we were by supposedly one of the highest peaks in Costa Rica and it was very very beautiful. We have had a lot of good food that I wish I could share with y’all! I had a lot of fun playing a pickup soccer game yesterday with the locals. Love you and miss you stay safe!
Levi S.- The last couple of days have been really fun. I loved all the opportunities to evangelize. We had lunch at a nice neighbor lady’s house. I LOVED the chicken and rice. Yesterday at the church, the service was really good. We also played soccer, which was really great playing with the locals. Can’t wait to see y’all!
Sadie P.- To the best dad in the whole world (my dad). Happy Birthday :) thanks for being such a great dad to so many kids! I hope tomorrow (the 25th) is the best birthday you have had yet. I miss you and love you and the family bunches. Happy Birthday!

Costa Rica Team Arrived Safely at Debrief
Costa Rica final report from the field!
Hola from Team Costa Rica!