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Costa Rica final report from the field!

Costa Rica final report from the field!

Hola Friends and Family,
We are finishing up our ur last week here in Costa Rica. On Monday night, we held a banquet for our missionaries. Mr. Chico (a Teen missions staff member from Honduras) was in the area so he was able to join us as well! The theme was breakfast for lunch! The lady leaders prepared cinnamon rolls, hash-browns, eggs, bacon, and peach tea. Tuesday was a big Costa Rican holiday called La Anexión de Guanacaste. The local school invited us to celebrate with them. The students performed a dance in their cultural outfits and they recited bombas (tongue-twisters). Our team presented a presentation for them, acting out the Good Samaritan which the students loved! Our kids love to use the gifts and talents God has given them to minister to the nationals. We played games with the students and the school provided a nice traditional lunch for everyone afterwards. That night, the members of the church that has been hosting us brought food for a potluck dinner. On Wednesday, the kids got mail! They were very excited to hear from their family and friends. The pastor that has been hosting us invited the other churches we have visited for one last church service together Wednesday night. We welcomed all the church families and had a great night of worship with them. The churches and their pastors prayed a blessing over our team and said goodbye to us. It was very heartwarming and a few tears were shed. Our team put together a new presentation and presented it in front of everyone. Afterwards, there were sandwiches and coke provided. Thursday was the teams last work day. Throughout the week, they have been painting and plastering. They finished connecting the roof between the office and classroom and finished welding the bars for the doors. In the evening, we drove to a new church to do a presentation. This was the teams last church service together. We have all enjoyed seeing the different styles of worship in Costa Rica. It’s been eye-opening for the team to see that we can all worship the same God together despite the language barrier. We will be going souvenir shopping Saturday afternoon and then leaving for the airport early Sunday morning. We will miss the beauty of Costa Rica and the people we have met. The team has loved serving the people here and getting to know them and their culture! 

Team member testimonies:
Sadie P.- I’m so glad the Lord brought this team together this summer. We have had a summer full of fun adventures and experiences. The team has grown spiritually as well as reached many churches and encouraged them. I can’t wait to see the other teams, but we will all miss Costa Rica! I love y’all family and friends! P.S. we got our first mail 3 days ago! To live is Christ, to die is gain! 

Levi S.- Hello everyone. Today is our last day at the church. We go souvenir shopping tomorrow afternoon. I have had a great time here. I can’t wait to see y’all. 

Isabelle R.- Happy late birthday Dad and Grandpa. I love you and can’t wait to see you. 

Shannon S.- I can’t believe that the summer is coming to an end. We’ve had an amazing time in Costa Rica. I am really going to miss everyone here but I’m super excited to see my family soon! I’ve missed you guys so much. Love you!

Lauren B.- Hey Boutin family. I miss y’all so much! We leave Costa Rica in 2 days which is crazy. I can’t wait to see you guys and hug you. It has been such a blessing to be here extremely grateful for this time. Darren I hope you know I love you. Mom, I love you and know that I’m so excited to see you. Dad, I hope you know I’m always thinking of you. I love you guys so much! Be expecting a call soon! I love you guys. 

Beatrix Y.- Hi everybody! The last few days have been a little laid back with work but we have been finishing up several jobs on the site. We also have done a presentation every day for the past few days. Going to the churches here is cool. We feel connected even though we don’t often understand each other. We get to play soccer tonight with a group from here! Everyone is excited! Happy belated birthday to Delia, Freya, and Grandmom! Adios! 

Sara H.- Howdy! Hope everyone is good! I am so thankful and happy for all the great memories that have been made. I am sad to go and I’m thankful for the friends we have made. I’m exited for what the Lord will do in the future. Love and miss y’all.

Costa Rica Team Arrived Safely at Debrief
Costa Rica team update...
By: Coasta Ric? Team Leaders
Hola from Team Costa Rica!
By: Costa Rica Team Leaders