Costa Rica starting next project!
Hello family and friends!
On Friday, the team made more progress on the worksite. They welded most of the bars for the windows and finished putting mortar in the cracks of the building. Today we began digging holes for the office that we are building in addition to the classroom. Some of them really enjoy using the spud bar and it is something that they look forward to! On Saturday, we walked to the store. The team members love to buy their snacks and sodas! The team enjoys playing with the kids that live next door to the store when we visit. We put together a new presentation with new songs, puppets, and a drama. The team learned a song in Spanish called “Yeshua" for the presentation. The team loves making a joyful noise for the Lord! They are always singing worship songs together.
We went to a different church Sunday morning. The team was thankful for the opportunity to go to a local church. We all were blessed by the worship and service. The team especially enjoyed singing along to Waymaker in English while they sang it in Spanish. The team presented the new presentation for the church. The pastor shared how blessed the congregation was by the presentation. Praise the Lord! They shared how encouraging it was to hear the testimonies of how our young people came to Christ. The pastor led the church in praying over our team. It was a sweet time to worship and fellowship with the nationals. After church, we went to a restaurant and had another local meal. The team even got to buy yummy ice cream. We have official practice quizzing on Sundays that the team loves. They enjoy being able to apply their verse memorization in a different way. We are cherishing our time here and look forward to what the Lord continues to have for us here! God Bless!
Team member testimonies:
Lauren B.- Hey family, I’m thinking of you. I’m excited to tell you guys everything. I love it here! I hope you guys are safe! Darren: I bet your doing amazing at your baseball tournament, stay strong and know I’m rooting for you! Dad: I miss you and I hope you know your girl is staying safe and having fun! Momma: Hey bestest friend. I miss you so much and I can’t wait to see you! I miss you bestest friend. I love you guys so much!
Sara H.- Howdy! Church was very fun yesterday. Mr. Brandon fixed my glasses. Lunch was amazing. We had delicious chicken and ice cream. The Lord has been good. He’s shown me His love, kindness, and mercy everyday. I’m excited for a new week and I’m so happy and thankful for the days we’ve had here. I’m excited for the days to come. Hope everyone is doing good. Love and miss y’all.
Sam P.- Hey mom and dad, happy almost birthday mom! We have almost finished the building and did a presentation at a church yesterday. I can’t wait to show y’all the photos of these mountains and of the beach. Everything is so beautiful. Love and miss you, stay safe.
Levi T.- Happy early birthday mom! Hope that life at home is good. We are almost done with the first building. We hopefully get to start evangelism this week. Praying for you guys back home. Love and miss y’all. See you soon!
Cyrus E.- Hola, we’re having a lot of fun here in Costa Rica. We have most of our first building finished. We have been working very quickly. We have gotten to do two presentations and we had a lot of fun. The music at the church we went to yesterday was very energetic and empowering. I’m doing well and hope y’all are too. Ezra, nice job! Miss y’all
DJ H.- Howdy! It’s been such a blessing here. I’d like to give a formal thanks to the roosters waking me up every morning. I have also developed a really strong love for the Hi-chew candy. I hope all y’all who are reading this are having a great summer.
Isabelle R.- Here is our Costa Rica daily schedule. 5:30 is wake-up. 6:00 is devotions. 6:30 is breakfast. 7:15-8:00 is laundry time. 8:00-12:00 is work. 12:00 is lunch. 12:45-1:15 is Philippians Bible study. 1:20-4:30 is work. 4:30-5:30 is bathing. 5:30 is dinner. 6:30-7:00 is GGs. 7:10-7:40 is library reading. 8:00 is evening devotions. 9:00 is lights out. Now you can still check the schedule. I love you all and happy birthday Brit, Aunt Rachel, and Aunt Sarah (thanks for the hair confetti).

Costa Rica Team Arrived Safely at Debrief
Costa Rica final report from the field!
Costa Rica team update...