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Exciting week in India

Well, what an exciting week! We prayed for "donut holes" in the weather earlier this week so we could work and God blessed us with overcast skies and no rain. The kids have been busy tying steel in preparation for pouring the bathroom block.

Thursday we took an hour-long trip to Machchilipatnum where we spent most of the day. We began with a presentation of music, puppets, singing, a drama and testimonies. We had around 300 in attendance—from primary school age to high school age. The school is called the Hyny School. It was founded, along with a children's home, by a Finnish missionary, who was known as the Mother Theresa of Machilipatnum. There was a good response from the children. They especially liked the puppets and interactive songs.

After our time there, we drove to the coast to see the Bay of Bengal. Since it was raining, we only drove by and stopped for pictures from the bus. Even if the weather had been nice, Mama Bear would not have allowed the kids to play in the rough surf.

We then drove to KFC where all the team enjoyed some slightly spicy chicken and fries. Following lunch, we visited a Kalamkari factory where the team bought purses, sarees and other pieces of material.

We then had our bus ride back to the base where we enjoyed PB&J sandwiches, chips and mini candy bars (thanks to Easter sales) before having evening devos and going to bed. We all had a wonderful day.

Today (Friday0 the team is back at work. We are still having some rain/drizzle. We are looking forward to visiting Ongole on Sunday where we will do a presentation followed by an Indian lunch.

It is already Saturday. We woke to drizzly weather again, so we caught up on the Bible Study we missed on Thursday. The team was able to work this afternoon and enjoyed working alongside the students and staff.

Next week begins our long good-bye (and it seems we just arrived). We have all fallen in love with India and the people, especially the staff and students who have been so friendly and generous.

"Hello to the folks back in the States. God has been holding off some rain. Our stomachs are not in pain. But dry clothes are still up for debate." - Rachel

"We're nearing the end of our time on the field and I've learned a lot. I've learned about who I should surround myself with and about loving others, especially from the locals. Still learning. Also, I am praying for you all at home." -Love, Ivanna

"Recently, the Lord has been teaching and reminding me many things, such as it is not my own strength I should rely on, but His. Just because I am having a bad day doesn't mean I have to spread my mood around. The safest and most fulfilling place to be is where He wants you. I have had a lot of good experiences so far—from amazing antics in the girls' dorm to devos, church, etc. I've been particularly blessed with our opportunity to show our presentation to a school. That's it. Bye. -Zipporah

India (24008)

By: India Team Leaders (11)
India team is preparing to come home
By: India Team Leaders (10)
Greetings from rainy India!
By: India Team Leaders (8)