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Greetings from Delhi! We arrived yesterday. None of our luggage was on the carousel (oh no, not again) but after walking around, we found all the bags in the "oversize luggage" area. After getting checked into our hotel, we went across the street to the mall for lunch. There were a variety of places to eat and most of the team were brave in what they picked to eat! Afterwards, we went swimming and then had evening devotions.

Today was spent shopping and boy, does this team know how to "shop til you drop"! Between buying "Rolex" watches and "Ray Ban" sunglasses for the boys and clothes galore for the girls, everyone had fun and should have even more fun stuffing everything in their duffels!

We will be leaving in the morning for our trip to the Taj Mahal. It is about a three-hour bus ride. From there, we will be going directly to the airport to wait for our flights to London and then Orlando.

Please pray for health and safety as we travel to the Taj Mahal tomorrow and as we fly home.

Here are some things the team learned this summer:

Rocky: Our India trip was a life-changing experience. I'll never forget that the mission is about self-sacrifice and showing God's love to people.

Evan: At TMI, the Lord has exposed my lack of true faith in Him. Graciously, the Lord has also shown me hto to fix this deficiency. I am excited to spend the rest of my life, not stagnant, but as an active and excited Christian with a joy and fir in my heart for the Lord.

Moriah: During my time in India, I have learned to let go of control of my life and trust God to lead the way. He has also comforted me with verses such as Isaiah 43:1-4 that remind me that He will be with me and He will provide.

Rachel: Hello friends and family. God has been teaching me that He cares most about the heart and its attitudes. Hasta luego.

Elianna: Hey everyone! I love you and can't wait to see you all so soon. God's taught me a lot about how His ways are higher than mine and I'm excited to share more!

Katelyn: I have really enjoyed my time in India. The kids and BMW students are so sweet and welcoming. The time flew by so fast, but a great summer overall.

Gracie: During my time in India, God has taught me the only strength I have is from Him. By pursuing Him, I can get my strength from God.

Naomi: I have really enjoyed being here in India. I enjoyed getting to work alongside the BMW students. Everyone here is so welcoming and very sweet to us. I'm really sad that this trip is coming to an end.

Lauren: I really enjoyed my time in India this summer, spending time with the locals and the BMW students was amazing! God has taught me this summer the power of prayer and that I need to lean into Him more than I normally do.

Noah: This summer I have grown in my faith a lot. My relationship with Jesus has become much more personal.

Claire: This summer has been an incredible adventure. I absolutely loved getting to know the students and kids. They filled my heart with joy. God is so good and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be on this team!

Luke: I learned the power of patience and prayer. I've seen how both can be used to further the Kingdom of God.

Zipporah: Throughout this trip, God has been teaching me about total dependence on Him. Also, about how I am safest in His will. The end. Bon Voyage!

Aiden: Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 talks about there being a time for everything. The weeks of Boot Camp were a time to train, India was a time to work and evangelize and Debrief is a time to remember the good times. However, this whole summer has been a time to grow and cherish good times.

Sophia: The greatest thing I've learned this summer is how to truly seek the Lord with my whole heart and have put that to use studying biblical figures of great faith such as Abraham. I have been really focusing on what it means to have faith and live by faith. I've also come to realize that the many blessings I have in my life, especially at home, are not to be taken for granted, but to return back to God in gratitude, praise and by using them to further His kingdom.

Ivanna: God has taught me a lot about patience and love. Connecting with my team and doing things a lot different than usual pushed me in a way I didn't know I needed to be pushed. God is good!

Mason: I've seen God grow me in many different ways, but one specific way was my patience, teaching me to wait and not wish for everything to happen all at once. I'm thankful that I could come here to serve Him.

Your children have been such a joy to serve with. Thank you for allowing them to come!

The team members will be trying to call you after we land and on the way back to Teen Missions. Please answer any calls from strange area codes from about 3 PM on Sunday until we arrive at the base.

India (24008)

India team is preparing to come home
By: India Team Leaders (10)
Exciting week in India
By: India Team Leaders (9)
Greetings from rainy India!
By: India Team Leaders (8)