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Greetings from rainy India!

Periodic rain has been our challenge the past few days. It has hampered our work project and we wonder if our clothes will ever dry, but has also given us respite from the relentless heat. It has also provided some time to work on our presentations.

The team is doing great! Their good attitudes and servants' hearts are such an encouragement for the leadership. They pitch in after every meal to make sure everything is swept and wiped down—a must to keep away the flies!

We went to two services this morning where we were able to sing, do testimonies, perform a drama and puppet skit. Evan spoke at both services and did a great sermon at each one. He put a lot of time and effort in preparing for his sermons and that was very evident by the message.

Last night, during dinner, you could see the shadows of several children just waiting for the team to finish their meal, so they could come out and play with them. And that they did! There were about three kids to start with and when I walked out the gate, the street was full. The team LOVED spending time with the kids and playing games with them. Somehow I think this might be a nightly highlight.

The team enjoyed spending time with the students yesterday morning. Some have a hard time speaking English, but they do well communicating with the team. We had another "walk around town" on Thursday where we handed out tracts and prayed with some of the residents. The team enjoys these times with the students and getting to meet the many who live so close by.

This past week, we went to McDonalds for dinner (a little spicy for some of our tastes) and then we stopped at a local store for the kids to stock up on junk food. It was a fun outing.

This week we are planning on a trip to Machilpatnum where we will be visiting the Bay of Bengal and shopping for Kalamkari cloth. We are planning on doing a presentation at a local school. We are also planning on a day visit to Ongole where we hope to do another presentation at a school.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Everyone is healthy and enjoying India.

We are only a few days into India and can already see God working in the hearts of the locals. I can't wait to see how God will use us to affect the lives of the people of India and how He will use the Indian people to affect our lives for His kingdom. -Evan

I'm having a great time in India! It is a lot better than Boot Camp and the ministry is great! -Rocky

Hey family and friends! I hope ya'll are doing well. I miss you a lot. We are doing good so far in India. The locals here are so welcoming. We have been working a lot on a garden and a bathroom for the BMW students. We also have been doing some evangelism here in the village. Pray that the people we have shared the Gospel with, that God will touch their hearts and the seeds that we have planted will grow. I have been praying for ya'll. Love and miss you so much! Happy 15th birthday Makai! I hope you are having a great trip! - Love, Naomi.

India (24008)

By: India Team Leaders (11)
India team is preparing to come home
By: India Team Leaders (10)
Exciting week in India
By: India Team Leaders (9)