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India team is preparing to come home

Wow!It is hard to believe that our time here in Vijayawada is coming to a close. We are spending today cleaning and packing to prepare for our trip to Delhi tomorrow where we will spend a couple of days. It is a bittersweet time. We have grown to love the staff and students here in India, but we are looking forward to seeing our families in less than two weeks.

This past Sunday we visited a small church in Ongole. It is a very small community made up mostly of Hindus. The church was so gracious in allowing us to present our program of music, puppets and dramas.. London did a great job on the sermon. The church was very full of all ages and they all seemed to enjoy the program. My heart was touched during the offering. I was sitting in the back and there was a pot where those who could not afford a monetary offering, donated rice to the pot. Following the program, the church provided us with a delicious meal of curry chicken and rice. The team loved it. We had a short ride to two communities with no Christian witness. One has the footers and posts for a church building and the other is a church that was donated to the Christans, but the walls have crumbled to the ground. Our eyes were once again opened to the many needs here in India for the Gospel.

Monday and Tuesday, we spent some time doing a community service project by painting a church/school. The team really enjoyed this.

Last night, we asked the staff and students to come over after dinner for "sweets". The kitchen crew made "vanilla buns'', brownies and apple cookies along with kool-aid. The team loved spending time with the students and staff and most seemed to enjoy the "sweets". They are busy fixing us supper tonight and we are looking forward to another Indian meal. We have all appreciated our time with the staff and students, whether working alongside them, spending time learning songs, dramas and puppets, and doing EV with them. It has been a blessed time for all of us.

The team continues to amaze us with their good attitudes, willingness to help whenever needed and they desire to know Him better. What a blessing it is to help lead them.

We would appreciate your prayers for safe travel and for our time in Delhi. We will be going to the airport Saturday night for our EARLY flight to London and then to Orlando. Please pray that our flights will be on time and that none of our luggage is left behind.

And a word from some of our team members:

Dear Friends and Family, This trip has been incredible! The Lord has taught me so much through the ups and downs. I've learned to lean into Him in a way I hadn't before. We finished our work project today and it is crazy that this trip is coming to an end. I'm grateful for this team that I have been blessed with the people I have met here. Praise the Lord! -Claire

Hi everyone! I'm doing great! I'm feeling closer with my team and I love India! I got to be on scaffolding for whitewashing and it was my favorite job (it beat steel-tying)! Also, we go to sign our names in concrete and the food is heavenly. I love and miss you all! -Elianna

Hey Everybody! I have really enjoyed all the work we have gotten to do, especially white washing. I have also enjoyed getting to know my team better and having deeper conversations. I love it here and I'll be sad to leave, but also cannot wait to be able to tell you more! -Moriah

Hi Guys! It is your son. I have been having a fantastic time in India. It's not nearly as hot as they said it would be. We finished painting a church/school today and tomorrow, we will be packing out for our trip to Delhi. On Thursday, I got a tennis ball off the roof with a long stick with my boot on one end. See you in two weeks! -Aiden

Hi Family,

I learned about the power of words this summer. At the beginning of the trip, I asked Mr. Paul if it rains in India and it has rained almost every day afterwards. OOPS! Also, I've learned about the power of prayer this summer in praying for clear skies and other things. I am sad to leave this place, but excited for Delhi. We leave Thursday for Delhi! -Luke

India (24008)

By: India Team Leaders (11)
Exciting week in India
By: India Team Leaders (9)
Greetings from rainy India!
By: India Team Leaders (8)