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Greetings from Ndola!

Greetings from Ndola!

We were blessed in our final days at the Teen Missions base in Lufwanyama with nice weather and helping the locals to complete a fence. After a 6 hour bus ride, however, we have begun settling into a routine back at Ndola.

The team was very excited to have the opportunity to go to a local mall where they picked up some snacks, souvenirs and pizza from the food court. Spirits are high as we take the day off with the staff and students to prepare for the coming week.

The next plan of action is to begin working alongside the staff and students at the base doing various tasks and projects. The afternoons will consist of bus rides out to Sunday Schools to teach the Word of God to many people who still need to hear it.

God has blessed us richly in where we have gone, and we know that it would not have been possible without all of your dedicated prayers. We look toward the coming days with eagerness and anticipation for how God will use us.

Teen Testimonies
Bella: The weather here has been super nice, very refreshing after coming from the Florida heat. It's been so much fun to go out to the rescue units and play with the kids and I cant wait to see how else the Lord will use us!

Evan: We just got back from our first rescue unit and it was an awesome experience. It was a ton of fun playing with the kids and serving the Lord. It finally settled on me that I'm actually in Africa and it's crazy to think about.

London: I've been loving spending time here in Africa, the weather is beautiful, the people are so nice, and the food has been great. I've seen God work through the team and the native people here, and am excited for what he has in store the rest of our trip.

As we explore the sights in Livingstone, Africa is forever etched in the hearts of each of us.
By: Zambia Team Leaders
Past week we have been working at the Teen Missions Base in Ndola.
By: Zambia Team Leaders
God is good!
By: Zambia Team Leaders