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Greetings from South Africa 2!

Greetings from South Africa 2!

Greetings from South Africa 2!

Our team has learned to adjust quickly right away, having had to switch from Uganda to South Africa a week before Boot Camp. Because of that, we decided that our team call before we count off would be:

Leader- "Uganda!"
Team- "Sike!"
It's our fun reminder to be fluid and flexible missionaries, ready to serve the Lord wherever we are.

Everyone finally arrived and we were a whole team by Sunday afternoon. It was great to match everyone's faces to their pictures. The team has been getting along well and we can see many friendships blossoming. After Orientation Day on Sunday, we started our training classes today. So far, our team has taken Carpentry, Drama, and Block-laying. At lunch, their prayer request was to be able to soak up and understand all the information that is being given to them in their classes. Thay have a lot to learn in order to be properly equipped for South Africa, but they are willing and ready! Overall, everyone has a great attitude and is excited to begin training. The hot weather makes us all the more eager for the winter season of South Africa.

It has thunderstormed many times already, which is quite surprising for our kids from states where it doesn't rain as much. Seth D. said, "I have never seen this much rain before!" However, our tents and belongings have remained dry! Praise the Lord!

Speaking of praises, our very first time running the Obstacle Course, the ENTIRE team made it over the wall! They were so proud of themselves and we as leaders were proud of them as well. Abigal D. said, "Never, on any of my teams in the past, has that happened before!"

Continue to pray for us as we tackle Boot Cmp as a team and continue to grow closer to each other and the Lord.

Sunday School Circuit
The Roof is on!
Safari Trip