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Sunday School Circuit

Sunday School Circuit

We were blessed with the wonderful opportunity to go on a Sunday School Circuit on Tuesday! Now that the president has opened the country, Teen Missions in South Africa has resumed their outreach programs. We went to a squatter community where a lot of people who came from Zimbabwe to find work but are struggling are living. There were a lot of young children in the community. Our team sang songs, performed dramas and puppets, played games, and presented the gospel through wordless bracelets that they passed out to the kids. The joy on everyone’s faces was so evident as we spent the afternoon together. At supper time, we walked the kids home and were able to pray and talk with a few of their parents. It was a very eye opening experience and a fantastic opportunity to tell people about Jesus. When talking about the experience later that day, a lot of kids agreed that it was a bittersweet moment. They were deeply bothered by the living conditions and poverty, but yet so excited to have the opportunity to get to meet and interact with that community. We have future plans to do two more Sunday School Circuits with TMI South Africa this week.
As far as construction goes, we are all but done with painting! Praise the Lord!! We just have one section of touch ups on the bathroom building. Kyra S. is a talented artist who is re-painting some lettering on one of the TMI signs. We finished the roof project so quickly that Mr. Robert wanted us to do another building. So we started working on the Bible students’ classroom roof this week as well. 
Last night, we hosted all of the staff and students for supper as a thank you for the supper they provided for us. We had breakfast for supper! Eggs, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls, banana bread, and juice were a few of the things on the menu. KP, who was Abigail D. and Caleb H. and Aaron B., worked very hard on all the food! Our team performed a funny skit called, “Because We Want To Be Loved” that had everyone rolling on the floor with laughter. It was such a fun night fellowshipping together!
The kids are excited to be soon heading home and are talking about all the stories they want to share with their families. Please pray for good health for our last few days and traveling that we have ahead of us!
From the team-
Josh Y. (Assistant male leader)- My time in South Africa has been great! God has taught me so much and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to return to the Teen Missions base here after 3 years. 
My favorite thing has definitely been getting the opportunity to do the Sunday School circuit the past week, it was great interacting with the children and practicing our evangelism skills that we had learned in boot camp. As our time here draws to a close, I am very proud of all the work our team has accomplished and hope that we all have a great final week together. Hello Mom, Dad, Jeremy and Lillian! I’ll be home soon! Don’t finish “Loki” without me! 
Simon S. (Team Member) - hey, South Africa has been a lot of fun. I have had a lot of fun connecting with my team mates. I like singing while working. I have been consistent with my work outs and can easily do multiple clean muscles ups in a row. It has been good for me to take a break from technology. I just got letters from both grand parents yesterday. It’s just another day in paradise.
The Roof is on!
Safari Trip
A Fun Filled Weekend
By: South Africa II (21016)