Sunday School Circuit

As far as construction goes, we are all but done with painting! Praise the Lord!! We just have one section of touch ups on the bathroom building. Kyra S. is a talented artist who is re-painting some lettering on one of the TMI signs. We finished the roof project so quickly that Mr. Robert wanted us to do another building. So we started working on the Bible students’ classroom roof this week as well.

The kids are excited to be soon heading home and are talking about all the stories they want to share with their families. Please pray for good health for our last few days and traveling that we have ahead of us!
From the team-
Josh Y. (Assistant male leader)- My time in South Africa has been great! God has taught me so much and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to return to the Teen Missions base here after 3 years.
My favorite thing has definitely been getting the opportunity to do the Sunday School circuit the past week, it was great interacting with the children and practicing our evangelism skills that we had learned in boot camp. As our time here draws to a close, I am very proud of all the work our team has accomplished and hope that we all have a great final week together. Hello Mom, Dad, Jeremy and Lillian! I’ll be home soon! Don’t finish “Loki” without me!

The Roof is on!
Safari Trip
A Fun Filled Weekend