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Safari Trip

Safari Trip

The excitement was tangible first thing Tuesday morning as the kids tried to keep themselves focused on working. They knew that after lunch, we were immediately leaving to have our sight-seeing adventure! We were able to find a Safari Reserve called Dinokeng, a very large reserve with all of the Big Five animals, in our province that was open for business. We were able to book an all inclusive outing that included 2 safari drives, 3 meals, and a night in some really awesome lodges. The kids painted eagerly for a few hours, we ate, loaded up the TMI bus, and entered what felt like a whole new world! Right outside of our sleeping lodges were zebras and several kinds of impalas just roaming around. When we went on the safari drives, we were able to see three of the Big Five: Rhinos, Buffalo, and an Elephant! We also saw monkeys, warthogs, giraffes, wildabeasts, water buck, several kinds of impalas, lots of different birds, mongoose, jackal, and zebras. Our guide found lion prints that were really neat to see too! It was amazing to get to see God’s beautiful creation on this side of the world. So much different than viewing in a zoo! The sunset on the wild African bush terrain was breathtaking. Thankfully, the Jeeps had blankets for us because once the sun went down, it got very cold. The guides used a spotlight to continue searching for animals in the dark. Our trip was a relaxing and fun time that will be treasured by us all for a long time. On the drive back, we stopped at a small souvenir and pottery shop where some kids purchased a few fun things. 
Today, we are back at work, painting cheerfully! A cold front is blowing in, so today has been very chilly and windy. We stopped halfway through the morning to warm up with some tea before heading out again. Because it is so windy today, we are waiting until tomorrow to start the roof project, but all the supplies are here, waiting to be used! 
From the team:
Megan K: 
I have been loving my time in South Africa. It was really fun to go on our safari trip and see all the cool animals for my birthday. I love our chapel services every morning. 
Abigail D:
Hello everyone! We have just over a week left here in SA and it’s so sad to see our time here come to an end. It’s been so cool to see the progress on the worksite and all the work we have been able to get done in our time here. I’m excited to see how will God continue to work in and through us the rest of this summer.
Sunday School Circuit
The Roof is on!
A Fun Filled Weekend
By: South Africa II (21016)