Greetings from South Africa!
Greetings from South Africa! We are thankful that we are able to be here and we are constantly reminded that that the Lord has a purpose for us here. We have really enjoyed getting to know Robert, Dorah and the staff and students. They are so thankful that the team is here and for the fellowship. Morning devotions with the staff and students (after our personal devotions), continues to be a highlight in starting our day. Painting continues on all of the buildings. We were able to make our first trip off the property, just down the road to the little store to get soda and candy.
When we woke up this morning it was 36 degrees! We are thankful for hot tea and blankets. Our day consists of Galatians Study, Library time, work, and free time before dinner. We are enjoying our new studies where the guys are together and the girls are together to have a time of learning and sharing. We have good discussions in all the classes. We enjoyed hot chocolate by the fire last night as Mikayla headed up the team devotions.
The staff are going to cook a national meal for us tomorrow including chicken, pop (white rice meal), beans. They are also making national outfits for us. It is part of the sewing ministry to raise funds for the base. They really look nice. We got our first piece of mail yesterday so it is taking about three weeks to get through the system. Thank you for your continued support in prayers for our team. We look forward to the next few weeks to get as much done as possible and to grow together more.
We are packing up to head home tomorrow!
Greetings from the South Africa team.
Web Report: South Africa