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Growing Together

Growing Together

Growing Together
The past couple of days since our last report have been good.  The team continues to grow closer together.  I have forgotten to mention about team devos each night.  Each night team devos are led by a team member.  We have started with FTM's (former team members) giving a personal testimony & a short devotion, we also have 2 worships songs.  28 June was Ethan D., 29 June was Garrison T., 30 June was Robbie M., 1 July was Ellie L., 2 July Andrew P., 3 July was Rachel K., 4 July Andrew L. & tonight will be Geli R.
Saturday evening we had our first Bible Memory Quiz Off practice.  The kids now have 21 verses memorize & did very well in the quiz off.
For the 4th of July, the team was able to sleep in. We had church service here on base.  We had a worship team lead the singing.  The members of this team were Lauren W., Lavender C., Robbie M., Benjamin J., Bethany J., Luke W., & Rio M.  The President of TMI, Richard Barber was our speaker.  The kids spent the day relaxing in the pool & resting.  For supper we had an all-American meal - grilled hamburgers with all the fixings, french fries, a homemade cake with Happy 4th written on it & the special treat, ice-cold watermelon.
So here are the next 5 team members comments about this summer.
Noah L. - This summer the biggest challenge for me is not being with my team. The biggest blessing is learning to trust God to help me get through this summer.
Daniel R. - My biggest challenge this summer is missing my team.
Sam S. - My biggest challenge this summer is not being with my team. My biggest blessings this summer is the opportunity God has given me to meet new people & become a close team with them.
Ashley J. - My biggest blessing this summer is learning that God is faithful always, even during the great trial of my life.  He can turn this trial into a blessing
Deitrich M. - My biggest blessing is that normally I like to work at a job by myself.  God is teaching me to learn how to work with others & enjoy it.
That is all for now. Keep praying,
God Bless,
Kim Marshall (backup lady leader)
Picture of Sunday Morning Praise team
Hello everyone!
Best Day Ever!!!
By: Florida Dream Team
By: Florida Dream Team