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Psalm 91:2
I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.
Hello Everyone,

A couple more days have passed since our last report. Everyone is in good health. The whole team was able to work 1/2 days Friday and Saturday in the cool of the morning. Our goal Monday and Tuesday is to have the whole team work a full day on both days  The team is working hard on helping with improvements here at the Lord's Boot Camp. They have torn down old shower stalls at campsites, cleaned off the roofs of the walkways and cleaned out old storage spaces.
Today the team watched the live stream of "The Village Church" in Texas, pastored by Matt Chandler in the TMI chapel with the Malawi team. It was a wonderful church service and the team enjoyed it very much. The rest of the day was spent reviewing Bible verses, relaxing in the pool, canoeing on kayaking, or just taking a Sunday afternoon nap.
Wednesday will be our first "outing" going off base for a fun day and we hope to go on an airboat ride. The team is getting excited.
KP - Friday was Ashley J., Noah L., Samuel S., Deitrich M., & Daniel R.
Saturday was Sadie P., Spencer J., Elisabeth L., Benjamin L., & Elijah J.
Sunday was Bethny J., Benjamin J., Caden F., Caleb E., & Saige G.
Team devos were led by Arianna S. on Friday, Lauren W. and Sadie P. on Saturday, & Noah L., & Caden F. on Sunday.  We are doubling up on evening devos, when we don't have our GG classes so that everyone will have a chance to share.
GG class is every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  The teen boys are going through TMI's God's Gentleman revised version led by Mr. Caleb and Mr. Judah, and the teen girls are going through the book "Defined - Who God Says You Are" by Priscilla Shirer which is being led by Mrs. Kim.  The preteens are going through a book called "A Content Heart by Kim Sorgius" being led by Miss Sarah.
Here are the next five team members with their answers to the question - What has God shown you, or how have you grown or been blessed by being here in Florida?
Bethany J. - I have enjoyed the Bible studies, evening devos and GG classes. I have been getting to know everyone and look forward to going home with no mosquitos.
Benjamin J. - This mission trip is definitely not what I expected. I have learned to rely on God to direct each step I take. It was hard to be cseperated from my first team but I have received more blessings by being on the Florida team than I could have imagined. I cannot wait to go home and share how God worked in my life this summer.
Caleb E. - It was hard not being able to go to South Africa this summer, but I have accepted God's plan for me to be in Florida. I am enjoying being on the Florida team more and more each day—a lot more than the first couple of days at the beginning of this new team.
Saige G. - I have learned to trust in God always no matter what.  Things don't go as we plan, so we can't trust in our plans, but need to remember to trust in God and His plans for our life.
Ellie O. - The time on the Florida team has been helping me grow spiritually with God.  I feel that I have grown closer to God in my walk with Him.
That's all for now,
God bless,
Mrs. Kim - backup lady leader

Hello everyone!
Best Day Ever!!!
By: Florida Dream Team
Dream Team, Working Hard & Going Strong