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Hello friends and family of India Eyeglass!

Hello friends and family of India Eyeglass!

This week was a highlight for all our kids as they got to experience their first Indian church service on Sunday and do a little sightseeing at a small park afterwords. We even had a picnic with their first peanut butter sandwiches in a long time and it was a big hit! Everyone was very excited to see the monkeys who in turn were very excited at the thought of food. We didn’t lose a single person to the monkeys, only an apple core or two.

Monday the kids got to set up their eye clinic in a town where it is safe to share the gospel and they were overjoyed to finally be free to pray and share the love of Jesus. Alivia was in prayer closet when a woman came up and asked what she was doing. When she found out Alivia was praying, the woman took off her shoes, covered her head, and asked Alivia to pray for her. Soon Alivia had 10-15 kids surrounding her asking for prayer. Ava got to play volleyball with a large group of kids and said it was the highlight of her trip so far.

After clinic the church in town fed the kids chicken curry - the spicy Indian way! Some of the kids were struggling with the heat but they all did their best to be polite and grateful. Jessica loved it and thought the food was great. She had a wonderful day and loved sharing the gospel and praying with people at the clinic.

Today we celebrate Independence Day with secret duffel-imported Kraft Mac and cheese (shh, don’t tell the kids yet!), potato salad, watermelon, and corn on the cob. The kids have had a great attitude about missing this holiday even as they are a little homesick.

While we recognize the joy of freedom in our country, we pray for spiritual freedom for the millions of people in India who are currently living in bondage, serving a million gods who can never bring freedom or peace. Thanks for praying with us!

“Asia/India is so beautiful. Every moment, memory, and sunset has been breathtaking. The people of India are super sweet and I especially love the kids. Our group is definitely the dream team. We laugh together, cry together, and love and serve God together. This trip is so unbelievable to me!” —Makayla M.

“India has been a fascinating place that greatly differs from the States. I’ve been enjoyed observing the wildlife here. The distribution of eyeglasses has gone pretty well so far. Our team grows stronger every day as we continue to serve the Lord.”—Emily M.

“India has been so amazing. The people, culture, food, and environment are amazing. Being able to do eyeglass work has been so much fun. Thankfully I haven’t gotten sick.”—Liam B.

Times almost up, but the spirit hasn’t stopped moving yet!
By: India Eyeglass Team Leaders
Blessed are the flexible.
By: India Eyeglass Team Leaders
Prayer, clinics, and curry oh my!
By: India Eyeglass Team Leaders