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Hello from Florida Boot Camp!

Zambia LDT 21005

Hello from Florida Boot Camp!

The Leadership Development Team has been helping run Boot Camp by working in different areas and learning to lead some classes. Isabelle D and Garrison T have been working with the Drama Classes. Melissa C and Josiah W have been helping with the Puppet Class. Robby M and Grace C have been working with the teams in their Music Classes. Kenai A and Gabby H have been helping in the Video Department in the mornings, and sometimes end up helping the Land Crew after lunch. Peter G and Joel M are working with the Land Crew as well. Ethan D and Joseph B are helping in the kitchen, Land Crew, and wherever else they are needed. The team has been working really hard and has been an amazing help to the staff, volunteers, and everyone at Boot Camp.

The team is working hard during this last week of boot camp
By: Zambia Leader Development Team (21005)
Zambia LDT
By: Zambia Leader Development Team (21005)
Zambia Leader Development Team!
By: Zambia Leader Development Team (21005)