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Hello from the Iceland team!

Hello from the Iceland team!

We had a weekend full of excitement! Saturday (6/18) we started drama classes as well as Advance Evangelism. In drama class we learned two full dramas and might I just say, drama is not our team's strength, but these kids truly put their all in everything that they do. In Advanced EV or Advanced AC, as some of the kids like to say, we are learning how to properly share the gospel as well as our own testimonies! On monday (6/20) Gio M. bravely shared his own personal testimony to the class.
Sunday (6/19) was pizza, milkshake and movie night! It was such a treat to be able to have a relaxing evening with our team.

The Iceland team has made a tremendous amount of growth within the past few days. Though we keep getting disqualified our team has been fiercely running the Obstacle course every morning. We have slowly been forced to learn that the OC isn't about the competition, it's about team unity.

Finally we want to welcome a new addition to the Iceland team! Andrew B. Join us from India Eyeglass and Medical team (because of a visa situation), and we couldn't be more thrilled. Today (6/21) we went from a team of 23 to 24! Though we have undergone many changes and difficulties the Iceland team has grown closer together. We are so excited that in one week from today we will be in Iceland! Please pray for good health, diligence and energy for our team! Only 4 more days!!

This is my personal testimony at Boot Camp. The first couple of days were rough and hard and I was wondering, why did I come here? But now that it's the second week I'm starting to enjoy it. I have never been a super challenging person, meaning I have never liked to push myself and endure through things, but the obstacle course has helped me a lot. Everything that has happened at boot camp is all for a purpose and that purpose is to grow in the Lord. I hope to learn a lot more this summer. - Aliyah T.

Only Three More Days in Iceland!
By: Iceland Team Leaders
We have reached the homestretch
By: Iceland Team Leaders
Talk about an eventful week!
By: Iceland Team Leaders