Only Three More Days in Iceland!
Beginning on Tuesday night people started arriving with their tents and campers for the event. And this morning our team moved out into tents of their own, where we will be staying for the remainder of our trip. We spent all morning cleaning Skalinn for the arrival of guests and moving out of our dorms, and let's just say some of the boys left those rooms smelling very questionable. With only three more days left in Iceland we are prepared to make the most of the time we have left! Kotmot starts tonight, the team has been invited to a hotdog grill, and after the first service we will be ending our evening by joining the nationals at a bonfire! Tomorrow real festivities begin, where the team will be helping in the kids and youth programs. We are so excited to be participating in the biggest christiamn event in the country and the teens can hardly wait to be able to help as much as they can!
Sunday morning we will be leaving for the airport at 5:30am, from there we will be joining other teams for debrief. The summer has truly flown by and we are not ready to leave each other. It has been an amazing experience to be able to watch these kids work to the best of their abilities, as well as to see their passion for the Lord in all that they do. Though our summer is coming to a close please pray for our team, and please pray for Iceland. We ask that this event opens up doors for spiritual revival in the hearts of the people here! Pray for the team as they are going to be given opportunities to to share the love of God, that they will speak with confidence. Continue to pray for energy and that we will finish strong!
Team member testimonies
What an amazing 5 weeks it's been in Iceland! Working at the camp (doing landscaping and construction) was exciting at first, but toward the end I struggled with selfish thoughts and maintaining a good attitude, but when families from all over Iceland started arriving for Kotmot all negative feelings disappeared and I am so excited for what God will do through our team! The beautiful landscaping surrounding the property is going to be hard to leave behind. Though I didn't get to do everything that I was expecting, I learned to simply give those expectations to God. The most encouraging part of this trip comes from my fellow team members, who are the most hardworking, kindest and god-fearing kids I've ever met! Love you all! - Abi R.
So my time while I am in Iceland has been super awesome! I have learned to have patience with the whole team and I also learned how to work together with the whole team. But personally I have also learned to put all my fears to the side and simply trust in God with my whole heart. One thing that I think is really cool to see is when the whole team is working together and we can all look at the finished job when it is done and we can know we worked together as a team. Another thing is that this whole team is like a family and we all care for eachother. So this is all that I have learned and got to experience while I am in Iceland and I cannot wait to see what else happens on this trip.
- Gio M.
It has been 5 weeks since I left the states and I cannot stress enough what an awe-inspiring experience I've had. Many times I have gotten unique chances to speak to the people here and to see amazing things I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Recently I've been thinking about my trip and I realized how special it is that I'm actually this far from home, it's a startling thought, especially since the Lord has put me here. Also, Hi family! See you in eight days! - Katie S.