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Hello Parents

Hello Parents

Hello Parents,

We have been blessed with five wonderful days of no rain. We are completely dried out. The team is doing great.They have became a like a family in the first week and work well together. Four more days and a wake up until we head out. This week we have classes in carpentry, drama, advanced EV (how to share Christ with others) and music. Two days in a row we won second place for the OC (Obstacle Course) but today we DQ'ed (disqualified) twice so we had to serve a team SB (special blessing). We had KP (kitchen patrol, helping serve food and washing dishes) on Monday, our second and last time. The team does well with KP.

Sunday was wonderful. We started the morning with a Galilean church service. The morning was cool with a slight breeze blowing. Then we had a wonderful BBQ chicken lunch, team pictures and 30 minutes in the pool.

Tuesday we will clean the bathrooms during our free time and if it doesn't rain, we will get the pool then too.

Okay for the last 2/3 of the team members question was what have you learned or what has God shown you this first week of BC (Boot Camp)?

Joey G - I need to get over my personal pride and depend on God for everything

Jake Q - I have learned to trust God more in everything that I do.

Faye K. - More about God's Word and how to share it with others.

Rachel K. - God has given me the strength to do everything here at Boot Camp. I now depend on God more instead of myself.

Ariana W. - God has a reason for me to be here at Boot Camp. Don't know why, but God will show me in His time.

Ashley J. - God is in complete control

Levi - God loves you no matter what you have done or who you are.

Owen K. - You can make friends anywhere God puts you.

Liam H. - I can sleep anywhere

Sarah O. - There is no condemnation in Jesus

Faith C. - We have "Shake the World" every night where we learn about a different country that TMI serves in. I'm have learned how easy we have it here living in America and how hard other countries have it.

Well, that is all for now. Keep us in your prayers as we start to prepare to head to Honduras.

Hello from Santa Cruz!
Greeting from Santa Cruz!
The team has finally been able to go on the boat circuit!