The team has finally been able to go on the boat circuit!
Honduras Boat 21002
The team has finally been able to go on the boat circuit. Everyone is super excited. We spent the weekend practicing our presentation, so that it is up to par for the children.
After the presentation, the team had a chance to play duck, duck, goose with the young children. The young children were a little bit intimidated by our team, but soon warmed up to them when the big kids joined the game. The Honduran children and our team had so much fun playing together. There was a lot of laughter from both groups.
On Wednesday’s circuit, we had some sunny weather. We had pulled out some balloons to make balloon swords. The Honduran children loved the to have sword fights with our team. We have a girl on our team who could make balloon flowers and made them for some of the Honduran girls. The girls loved to show them off.
Karly Anderson submitting report
La Mosquitia

Monday arrived and we loaded up on the boat around noon. We rode the boat for about half an hour. When we got to the village, the team went out to help gather the children. Once the children were seated, the team did their presentation. And they rocked it. It was the best performance I had seen them do. The team go into the songs and the drama. There was a little hiccup. We had forgotten the puppets at the base in La Mosquitia. The team was amazing and adapted to not having the puppets. We had two people volunteer to join our dancers, and the six teens just did the puppets dance. The Honduran children loved watching the dancers.

Tuesday rolled around and it rained for the majority of the day. The team was still able to go on the boat even with it raining. Even though the team was soaked to the bone, they still enjoyed interacting with the Honduran children. Our clothes may be damp, but our spirits never will be! The team was able to hand out wordless bracelets to the children. The children loved to show them off to everyone and point at the different colors.

Overall, the team has many stories from the boat circuit and love evangelizing to the Honduran children.
Web testimonies
Levi Trelka
We have been praying a lot. And God has shown the team what not only the power of prayer is, but that he is listening. So God has taught me to pray when in doubt.
Faye Kelley
I’ve been doing balloon animals for three years. I’ve never seen a kids face light up like the Honduran kids did. It’s incredible to think that a balloon shaped flower can mean so much to a kid who has never seen one before.

Hello from Santa Cruz!
Greeting from Santa Cruz!
Spirits are high as the team prepares to finally embark on their first boat evangelism trip!