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Hey Prayer warriors! We made it to Malawi!! ????????

Hey Prayer warriors! We made it to Malawi!! ????????

Hey Prayer warriors! We made it to Malawi!! ???????? We have been told it’s also known as the warm heart of Africa. The people are so nice and the TMI staff down here are treating us very well. The traveling to get here was tiring but we made all our flights. Our last flight actually had a special guest on it. The Malawian president was on our flight into Malawi. We didn’t know until we landed and the officials of Malawi were there to greet him. Throughout our journey we had several of the kids evangelize to some of the people we met, or sat beside on the plane. We did lose several bags at the airport and hopefully they will come in later today or tomorrow. Last night we were greeted by our Malawi friends at TMI and they provided supper for us all. It was delicious. Today the head leaders went to get supplies for when we go out to the rescue units. We were able to get most of everything we wanted for the clinics and for our food supply. The kids got to sleep in today to catch up on some rest and later started organizing the kitchen and eyeglasses we will be bringing to the rescue units in a couple of days. Please be praying for travel safety as we head out to the rescue units, for lost luggage, and for the health of the team as a few have gotten a dry cough due to the weather change and it being Malawis dry season (we did pick up meds for that today as well). Also be praying for spiritual growth for everyone and for us leaders as we continue to the next part of our journey. The weather here is cool compared to Florida, but the people of Malawi are bundled up in jackets, while we are enjoying it. Today we celebrated Adalines birthday ???? she doesn’t know it yet but we picked her up a cake at the market today. There will be more from the kids in the next report, but here are some pics of our traveling days to hold y’all over.  

Last couple of days here in Malawi.
By: Malawi Team Leaders
Hello prayer warriors!
By: Malawi Team Leaders
Hey Prayer warriors!
By: Malawi Team Leaders