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First off, thank you so much to the parents for their generosity in providing all the goodies for our team. That was such a blessing.

Our check in started with a bang. All was going well until the red-headed supervisor shut it down to check the status of our visas. Once that was cleared, we finished checking in and headed to our gate. While she was berating the employees, I was able to talk with one of them who is from Angola and a Muslim. This lady even came down to the gate to make sure your boarding went well.

Due to the weather, our flight was delayed. However, once we started, the flight was uneventful. After we landed in London, we had to go through security again and literally ran to our next flight while hearing on the loud speakers that it was the last call for the flight to Delhi—all but Paul and Evan. Apparently, the person checking out the guitar decided to go on his lunch break. I begged and they held it for us (a couple of the visas would have expired if we had not made it.

We landed in Delhi and only five pieces of luggage arrived—two duffels with dirty clothes and two "B" bags (equipment)—no food and only one personal bag. They are now saying our bags will be here tonight.

The team has been troopers through this "hiccup". Our missionaries went out and bought the kids straw mats to sleep on, gathered dishes to eat on and made sure we were all comfortable.

As I am writing this, all but two bags just now arrived! Yea, we can change out of our travel clothes.

The team spent some time this afternoon with the 20 students who are here. They are looking forward to spending more time with them.

Our leader, London, is arriving tomorrow morning (following visa issues) and our team will be complete.

We will begin our work project tomorrow.

Thank you for all of your prayers.

India (24008)

By: India Team Leaders (11)
India team is preparing to come home
By: India Team Leaders (10)
Exciting week in India
By: India Team Leaders (9)