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India team update

Have you ever heard the phrase “The days are long, but the weeks are short”? Well, that’s how Boot Camp feels! This week seems to have flown by, but the days are packed with all of our daily activities with makes for a long day sometimes. From Drama and Puppets, to Carpentry and Concrete classes, to Bath and Laundry time, each team member has shown an attitude of hard work and diligence that’s so encouraging to see.

It’s not all work and no play, though. Last night, India competed in "Run from the Devil", and won! Everybody was so excited about that. They also watched the Boot Camp classic “Mud, Sweat, and Cheers” on movie night, and I’ve only heard good reviews from the team on the film we’ve all heard so much about. 
They have had some fun trying to come up with cheers and a new team call (we’ve already changed two times) and have finally settled on (drumroll, please!) leaders saying “Papaya!” And team members saying: “Trees!”—or the papayas that grow in India. I think this will be the one that will stick. Sunday Night is Pizza and Milkshake night, and the team is anxious for dinner to start!

Everyone is saying how excited they are about going to India. The two most popular answers to “what are you most excited about?” that I have heard is “ meeting the people” and "the food!” The Team continues to go above and beyond in the way that they work together and support each other in all of our daily tasks. They have been amazing even as we are all stretched and challenged in the things that the Lord is calling us to do each day, God gives us Grace for each new day, and if I’m not mistaken, team India is ready to take up that Call!

I’m a First time team member and I love running the Obstacle Course and so far my favorite part is the Slough.
P.S. I love you Mom!  -Evan W.

Camp has been really great so far, can’t wait to see what’s next!
-Rocky W.

Hey, family, how ya’ll doing? It’s all been really fun, running the O.C. (Obstacle Course) and making new friends, it’s awesome. Love you guys, hope everything is good with ya’ll.  -Mason B.

Boot Camp has been an amazing training experience. Thank you for your prayer about the visa.  Love, Arianna F.

Our team is bonding very very well, we communicate wonderfully, I’m helping to make pizza tonight, very excited!  -Ivana A.
Hello friends and family of Team India!
By: India Team Leaders (1)
Training continues for India!
By: India Team Leaders (3)