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Keep Pressing On.

Keep Pressing On.

Keep Pressing On.
Hello everyone from the Florida Dream Team,
The team is doing well.  We are becoming more & more united as a team/family.  The team members who want to do light work have been working every morning for 3 to 4 hours.  The team is working on fixing up the training kitchen & other small jobs as boot camp. Team members that are not up to working yet, have been getting plenty of extra rest & relaxation. 
The team has the option of relaxing in the pool every afternoon.  Yesterday, the team had the blessing of watching SpaceX launch in the afternoon.  Most of the team had never heard a sonic boom before as the rockets returned to earth, so that was a nice surprise for many of them.
Bible study & GG classes are going well.  The team is working hard on memorizing their daily verse each day.  Evening devos are being led by a different team member each night.  It is wonderful to see these kids put together a couple of worship songs each night & sing with all their heart.
I asked the next 5 team members, what has God shown you in your personal devos?
Andrew L. - God makes no mistakes.  Our team being here is not a mistake, just part of His plan
Sarah O. - Matthew 21:21-22 has shown me that we need to have strong faith in God our creator & He is in control of any problems we face.
Luke W. - I'm looking forward to seeing how God is going to use me this summer
Faith C. - I'm learning patience. I need to wait on the Lord & listen for Him to lead me this summer.
Liam H. - Staying behind is becoming a blessing in disguise. I have made new friends that I would have never met. I'm learning to completely trust God in all situations. 
That is all for now, 
God Bless & thanks for the prayers,
Kim Marshall - back lady leader
Pictures- relaxing after dinner. Some reading their Bibles, some hanging out.
Hello everyone!
Best Day Ever!!!
By: Florida Dream Team
By: Florida Dream Team