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Last Few Days at Camp

Last Few Days at Camp

Last Few Days at Camp
It is hard to believe that we have been at Warm Lake Bible Camp for almost three weeks now.  The camp is looking amazing!  We found more vegetation to remove this week and also have finished up some small projects.  The kids built a Gaga Ball pit this week, which is a huge hit with middle schoolers.  It is an octagon shaped area with plywood sides and the kids play dodgeball inside.  Organized amazing fun chaos.....We have also finished up repainting one of the girls' cabins and will have a second cabin finished up by Friday.  Yesterday we were able to do some needed maintenance on the chapel building.  We scraped and painted the wall that had sun damage on it.  
The kids are preparing for a puppet presentation this morning for Mission Hour.  We are doing the same program we did last week for the high schoolers, this week for the middle schoolers.  The campers are enjoying it and asking lots of good questions.   
This week has been a growing week for many as our projects are coming to an end.  As they grow closer together, there are more opportunities for disagreements and then growth learning how to work through the issues.  Our girls/guys classes are going well and we are learning what it means to have our identity rooted in Christ.
Saturday we will get up and help clean up the camp before heading to Caldwell, Idaho to get ready for our time with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), and Love Inc.  The kids are excited for new opportunities and to see more of Idaho as we switch the physical location of our mission.
Trace H. "Idaho has continued to open doors for our team. A nice place to stay has been secured for the time we serve at MAF and Love Inc. And I thank God that we were able to bless the campers and care takers at Warm Lake Camp the way we have been. We have exceeded their expectations, and will continue to work while we stay here."
Nicole C. "I have found new motivation for waking up in the morning! Yummy hot cocoa. It's SO good! And day by day the air is feeling less cold. I'm doing really good right now! I hope God protects my family and friends."
Caitlyn O. "Every morning, I look forward for the coffee. Work has been easier thankfully."
Bridget H. "Camp has been great. We are wrapping up with several smaller work projects. The people are so nice, and I sincerely hope that they can see Christ glorified through our work."
Timothy S. "My team devos was, well... interesting. It went well. The three weeks at Warm Lake Camp were fun. Can't wait til MAF."
Sam K. "I'm doing fine I think. Smoke is in the area, but all is well. We did something really fun last Saturday; tubing! A tube was attached to a boat which pulled us across waves. It was very fun!"
Alayna N. "So I'm doing great! We have painted and done brush. The mountains are pretty. We go to a new area on Saturday, not the camp, maybe easier work."

Finishing Strong
Beating the Heat
From the Heights to the Depths