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This week especially has been a really good week for the India team! We just started drama classes that all the kids really seem to enjoy! Yesterday was Sunday, a day of rest for the teens for the first time in the week that we have been here! They got to take a break from running the obstacle course, and we as leaders incorporated a nap time for the ones who wanted to catch up on some sleep. A lot of them were very happy campers! If nap time was not enough they got to go in the pool for a bit yesterday just for fun, and today as a reward for cleaning the bathrooms! Cleaning the bathrooms was for sure a hard task after pizza and milkshake day...but that is a great way to change the subject! Yesterday was pizza and milkshake day. They all enjoyed every second of it!

To get to more serious topics, they are on the first week of memorizing Bible verses. I want to mention three people who have never been on a team and are excelling on their Bible memory (Ryan, Abby.R, and Elizah)! Then one last thing to end this report on a very positive note, we have been running the Obstacle course for six days now and the first time they ran it they got two people over the wall. As of today they got eleven people over the wall and are growing so much as a team and are really working together as one! We are so very proud of each and every one of them! Thank you to all of you who are reading these reports and showering our team in prayer! We appreciate each and every one of you!

Now for a new segment called....things that have woken us up this past week:
- a rocket launch shaking everyone's tent at 12 am
- a screaming owl
- people sleep talking
- a lighting storm

Now from the team:

Boot Camp is great! It takes strength, grit, and perseverance. I'm learning so much here. I love the people so much. I am making life changing relationships. - Jessica W.

During Boot Camp I've learned that God is the same God to everyone everywhere. It is so special to know that everyone has the same opportunity for such a close relationship with the father no matter who they are. Other than that, I have loved the time set aside for personal devotions each day while I am here. - Callie D.

Boot Camp is awesome, drama class is way more fun than I thought it would be. Puppets are super fun now. The worship and rallies are super fun. - Andrew B.

Boot Camp has been good! It's humid but I still love making awesome memories with my friends. God is good and we have awesome leaders. God has been working in me and I can not wait to see what amazing plans He has for me in the near future! I love you so much mom and dad and I can't wait to see you soon!! Happy Fathers Day Dad! - Naomi L.

Times almost up, but the spirit hasn’t stopped moving yet!
By: India Eyeglass Team Leaders
Blessed are the flexible.
By: India Eyeglass Team Leaders
Prayer, clinics, and curry oh my!
By: India Eyeglass Team Leaders