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On the Move!

On the Move!

Well Teen Zambia is now in transit on the way to soccer for our flight to Addis Ababa Ethiopia and on to Chicago then Orlando. It has been a good week and we are excited to have been able to finish the concrete pour and some additional work on the larger building footer. We loved being able to work side-by-side with the Zambia staff and students. What an experience! We have not yet calculated how many tons of concrete we poured… but it was a lot!

During our last bonfire we were able to enjoy powerful messages from God‘s word from our missionaries Doug and Barb Petersen.

Today we are nearing the Saka airport… We are grateful for your prayers as we travel to dBrief God has been so good! All of our PCR tests were negative and we are ready to fly!

Asher K
Zambia has been a blast! I wish I could stay longer. The team is great and I love them all. It has been a bit cold in the mornings but the tea with the breakfast always warms me up.

Matt B
The work was great! And the team was very awesome. I am glad that we got to have the LDT on our team and they made a difference. The original team was sad but we got used to it and I wish we didn’t have to…

Lacey W
This trip has been so much fun. I have grown so much. I am sad my time here is done, but I look forward to returning home.

Jack D
This summer I have grown spiritually and I have set goals for the future. Working was really fun and we finished the foundation of the building. The verses that helped me are in Psalm 23.

Mari G
This summer has been unlike any other. Thanks to my wonderful team and especially Samara. She is the bucket to my laundry and the sugar to my Kool-Aid. As our trip to Zambia comes to a close, I am grateful for the Lord‘s protection, the time spent seeking Jesus, and all of the amazing memories.

Deonte C
As we close our summer out it is still cold. We have enjoyed playing soccer and volleyball. God’s Gentleman has been very helpful in my walk with God. (guys class) Best summer ever…

Samara T
This summer has been unlike any other because of my team, and especially Mari G. She was the mortar to my block, and the Choc Nut to my peanut butter. All jokes aside, I’m so thankful for my team and all God did for us this summer.

Jenna L
If I had to describe this summer in one word, I would choose wondrous. I would never be able to have enough paper to write down all that I learned and experienced in these seven weeks. What I can say is that God is faithful no matter what trials you go through. That is one thing that I can never forget from this summer.

Nearing the Finish Line
Visiting Victoria Falls
Growing Closer