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Visiting Victoria Falls

Visiting Victoria Falls

Visiting Victoria Falls
It has been a hectic few days for Teen Zambia with many exciting experiences packed in a short period of time. The team spent 12 hours on the bus on Wednesday traveling from to Livingstone for our sightseeing. On Thursday we experienced an early morning game drive “Safari“. We saw kudu, monkeys, giraffe, elephant, Buffalo and warthogs. We also had the amazing opportunity to walk with some Rangers up close to several white rhinos as they took a nap.  The team bought souvenirs and then found an opportunity to do an unplanned open air presentation with the children who had been playing outside. Matt Bower shared the gospel story using one of our bus drivers as a translator.  Leader Peter told the story of David and Goliath with members of our team as well as some of the local children playing out the story as it was told. The team also did children songs and played some circle games.
The leader development team members took their PCR Covid tests on Friday and the team had a relatively low-key day at our lodge. In the afternoon we enjoyed a long hike into town and found some more shops with souvenirs.
Today, Saturday, we visited world famous Victoria Falls the mist from the falls drenched with the team. It also made for a vivid rainbow and some of our pictures!  This evening we went out again for a sunset cruise on the Zambezi river, what a beautiful experience.
We are planning to drive early Sunday morning to Lusaka, where LDT will begin their journey to debrief… And the original group, OG, will return for one last week of work in Ndola before heading back to Lusaka to fly to second debrief.
The Lord has answered so many prayers in the last few days, we know that many of you have been lifting up the team and we want to say thank you!

On the Move!
Nearing the Finish Line
Growing Closer