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So much has happened in India!

Wow! It has been a week since Commissioning! So much has happened!

The biggest news here in India is that after two visa denials, London, our leader arrived with a 10-year, multiple-entry visa in hand. It was so good to see him! After our greeting and getting his luggage upstairs, we put him to work helping the team work on their presentation. We are now complete!

Well, sort of...We are still waiting on two personal bags and a "B" bag. It is supposed to come on a truck from Bangalore. The girls are being troopers, but they are ready for their bags! Bacon bits and Kraft Mac and Cheese are in the B bags. Needless to say, we are eagerly anticipating their arrival.

As I am writing this, the team, along with the 20 students, are out in the village sharing the love of Christ. We are planning on doing evening presentations, starting next week.

The plan is to go to two services tomorrow and do presentations. London will be speaking.

The weather is HOT and we are so thankful for the powerful fans that are in our rooms and gathering areas. Not only do they keep us cool, but they also keep away the flies.

"Today is our third day in India. So far, the Lord is teaching me about patience with our bag situation. I enjoy the weather and the people. I have a lot to learn from their hospitality." -Ivana

"Dear friends and family of the India team, Since arriving here in India, we are doing swimmingly. We were greeted by Raj and Sajani (the coordinators here) along with the Bible school students who sang for us and presented us with orange drinks and flowers. Our bags (all but three) have slowly arrived. It is beautiful here with wonderful lush green trees, colorful flowers and an abundance of lizards." -Sophia

India (24008)

By: India Team Leaders (11)
India team is preparing to come home
By: India Team Leaders (10)
Exciting week in India
By: India Team Leaders (9)