Talk about Mud, Sweat, and Cheers!
Talk about Mud, Sweat, and Cheers! This team has experienced all three, though we haven't experienced too much mud because it really has not rained too much lately here at Boot Camp.. BUT that's not what you want to hear about, it's your Teens!!
They are doing so well! They have truly impressed us with their strive to know Jesus more! They have been through many classes this week, including a maturity class, music class, and a puppet class that all help them to be better equipped for the ministry on the field overseas. Along with those classes, we have seen more and more of their personalities come out. For example: there are many of them that know so much about everything (Kaleb and Jocelyn). Then there are those that can literally brighten up your day in less than two seconds (Olivia, Cambree, and Ava ). Or the ones that have a passion for music (Elizah and Abby.S).That is not even half of the team either!’
They have gone through so many work classes together and this helps them to get to know one another better. Their classes have included Carpentry, Steel-Tying and Digging classes. I am delighted to see some leadership skills from each and every one of the team members. This team has a way of turning the worst situations into learning opportunities, and they hardly stay discouraged for too long! Their joy, love, and hearts for Jesus are growing bigger by the minute! Again, on behalf of the leadership team, we would like to thank you again for trusting us as leaders with your precious children!
Now here are some words from the kids:
My dearest family. I am learning a lot at Boot Camp, both mentally and physically. Thank you for all your prayers and support. I will see you all again very soon! All my love in Christ, -Kaleb L.
Hi yall! I am having so much fun at Boot Camp. I am growing spiritually. I can't wait to go to India! -Liam B.
Hi everybody! I'm learning so much, and growing a lot spiritually! I miss you all so much! - Alivia B.
Hi everyone! : ) Boot Camp is very hot, very tiring but very fun!! I am learning to trust God for everything I need! I love you guys and I miss you!!! -Cambree T.