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The countdown is on!

The countdown is on!

We only have two official days of training left! The team has begun dreaming of their showers and air conditioning when we move into the dorms after Commissioning. They also are praying hard for a Starbucks when we are traveling. On a more serious level, they have also been praying hard for all of the people that we will come into contact with once we are in Costa Rica, that they would have open hearts to the Gospel and be sensitive to God's voice. Our team has been equipped and disciplined through our many classes on evangelism and construction. I am excited to see how they will put all of these tools to use in Costa Rica.

For example, they practiced acting out and telling the Bible stories of "David and Goliath" and "Joshua at Jericho" in their Sunday School Mission class. They were very creative in how they communicated these stories. My favorite was watching them march around three team members with linked arms who were "the walls." They whooped and hollered until those team members fell down. It was quite the visual! They also have learned two puppet songs completely in Spanish and have been working on worship songs in music class. They are equipped with two dramas and many construction skills as well.

A recent highlight from these last few days has been the "Dino man" coming and teaching classes and preaching at the last two rallies. His real name is Paul Veit, and he is a highly educated man in apologetics and scientifically proving the validity of the Bible. The kids have been LOVING his teaching. Our whole team responded to his altar call and held their Bibles in the air, promising to dedicate their lives to standing up for the truth of God's Word. It was a beautiful moment. I can really see the spiritual growth among our team members and it is so exciting to witness. Keep praying for us, that our team will continue to mature and grow in order to be effective disciples who make more disciples!


From the team:
Beatrice S.- Hey family! Boot Camp is awesome, minus the bugs! Love you and miss you all!

Cyrus E.- I am enjoying my second year very much. Only fell in the Slough once when jumping for the rope. Hope you all are doing well and that Ezra has learned to ride the four-wheeler. Have fun! Love you!

Costa Rica Team Arrived Safely at Debrief
Costa Rica final report from the field!
By: Costa Rica Team Leaders
Costa Rica team update...
By: Coasta Ric? Team Leaders