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The eyeglass team arrived yesterday at 8:30 am in the Vijayawada Airport safely.

The eyeglass team arrived yesterday at 8:30 am in the Vijayawada Airport safely.

We received a message from the TMI staff in India. They will be doing a detailed report soon.

"The eyeglass team arrived yesterday at 8:30 am in the Vijayawada Airport safely. Me and Paul's Family along with my staff and Board welcomed them in the Airport and Send them to the location where they are supposing to do their ministry ..Two of the Board members were with them. So they reached their final destination and Were safe ...

Times almost up, but the spirit hasn’t stopped moving yet!
By: India Eyeglass Team Leaders
Blessed are the flexible.
By: India Eyeglass Team Leaders
Prayer, clinics, and curry oh my!
By: India Eyeglass Team Leaders