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The Obstacle Course (OC) begins at 6:00 am.

The Obstacle Course (OC) begins at 6:00 am.

The Obstacle Course (OC) begins at 6:00 am. Most of the team members love it; those that don't endure it and their attitudes are positive or they are being encouraged by other team members. After the OC we are eating breakfast before we really begin our day with morning devotions. After devotions classes begin and go until 3:00 pm. Next in our day is free time & bath and laundry before supper. After supper, they have a little bit of free time before the rally, unless they are competing in a traditional Boot Camp game "Run From The Devil". Malawi ran from the devil two nights ago and we lost by around 25 pts. After every rally is an altar call for anyone needing to lay something down at the feet of Jesus or accept Him in their heart. After the rally, we head to bed and lights out at 9:30 pm. The kids are sleeping great through the night now that they are getting used to the tents.
Some of the classes we have been in are Drama, Puppets, Advanced Evangelism, Bible Hour, and Music. The kids are really picking up a lot and are engaged in learning how we will use this in Malawi. Ben, Aspen, and Emaleigh are loving the dramas. The team has already begun learning their second one. The dramas are geared towards sharing the Gospel and we have audio to follow along with so that when we get to Malawi the dramas will be in their native language. We have also had our first puppets class, where the kids have learned how to handle and care for the puppets and even put the stage up for the performance. Eliza, Champion, and Krissa have really stood out in their participation in this class. Now these two classes we will be using very frequently on the field at the clinics and churches we visit to share the Gospel with the people. I appreciate the prayers for team unity— we have really begun to see the team become more unified, especially in work projects. A couple of days ago we had some free time and Elijah, Rachel, and Gabby led the team in creating cheers for our team. Last night we had a movie night and watched "God's Not Dead", and tonight we are having the famous pizza and milkshakes. We leaders, are so excited to be serving this summer and are looking forward to what the Lord is going to do through your children. Thank you again for allowing them to follow the Lord's calling for their life. Now what you might have been really waiting for is some of the weekly testimonies from the kids. Be patient if we don't get to who you are looking for. We have 24 team members and we will get different kids sharing in each report. Please continue to pray for us and for God to continue to prepare us for the field.
Sending with Love,
Malawi Leaders

Kara L
Hi Mom, it rains a lot. Everyday. Our laundry isn't ever dry, but it's been great and I love the rallies and the bible classes.

Carolyn M
Hello, whoever may be reading this,
Boot Camp is harder than I thought it would be, but I'm learning a lot and I actually love having each day so structured. I love the evangelism classes we've been doing, and God has been helping me to give Him more control over my life. I miss you guys!

Benjamin L
Hi family, miss y'all!
Boot Camp has been a fun but hard experience. It is very refreshing to be disconnected from all the temptations and comfort of home.

Lily V
Hi Fam! I love y'all so much. Missing each of you. Be Mama's big helpers, ok? I'm learning a lot but it's also super hard so keep praying for me! Kiss a chick for me! :P

Emaleigh F
Dear fellow readers, Boot Camp is hard. But it is totally worth it! Running the OC, washing clothes, and showering with a bucket of muddy pond water. Rain is every day, so your clothes probably won't dry, but God is good.

Champion D
Hi Mom & Dad. Boot Camp is wet this year! My best day for sure was getting my dry clothes off the line yesterday (they got at least four extra rinse cycles haha). And the boy-to-girl ratio is 1:4 with only five boys, do the math. Love you! Say hi to Kegan for me, wish Wisdom a happy early birthday & tell Awesome I'll be home soon.

Aspen E.
Hi Mom and Dad. Boot Camp is AMAZING! I enjoy my team. They are great! Rally is my favorite, the worship is so powerful. I have been struggling with sins from my past, but God has reminded me that He died for them. I am forgiven and redeemed! love y'all.

Adaline E.
Hi Mom and Dad. I really enjoy Boot Camp. It's so much fun! My team is amazing with lots of encouragement. The OC is so much fun and God is moving so much in this Boot Camp. I love you! Can't wait to see the field!

Last couple of days here in Malawi.
By: Malawi Team Leaders
Hello prayer warriors!
By: Malawi Team Leaders
Hey Prayer warriors!
By: Malawi Team Leaders