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Training continues for India!

Yesterday was Bittersweet for the India Team; two of the Visas that we had been praying so fervently for could not be processed in time, and everyone had to say Goodbye to Ariana F and Arianna W as they were moved to the Germany Team. Every team-member was heartbroken that two amazing beautiful girls had to be torn away from us. In the Midst of Sorrow, we know that God is good and has an Incredible plan for the two girls and our team, and we are so excited to see what that is. The worship and message at rally time was such a blessing to our hearts after a hard day, and we had a sweet, sweet prayer and team time after rally. Thank you so much to everyone who had been praying so hard. The girls are going to have such amazing adventures in Germany!

The team had two classes of Advanced EV (evangelism) Tuesday and Wednesday and were challenged to take up the call to spread God’s Good News everywhere they go and were given tools to take into battle with them. Music Class started the same day, and we have been working on putting together the drama, puppets and music for a presentation on Thursday. Evan W. gets to introduce the presentation, Rachel B. volunteered to share her testimony, and Ivana A. volunteered to share the gospel with a Color Bracelet besides the three songs, drama and puppet shows we will do. I’m so proud of their hard work, and I am confident that they will do amazing!

Commissioning Night is getting closer and closer. We cannot believe that there are only three more days! Everyone is so hyped that we will be on our way to India soon. We can’t wait to see God’s hand carry us through as we see this first checkpoint towards the finish line draw near. Thanks to everyone again for all the prayer and support given to your Kiddos. God is in it! -Bethany W.

As far as Boot Camp goes, it has been good thus far. The team has been getting along fine. Can’t wait for more heat in India! -Rachel B.

So far in Boot Camp, God has been reminding me that He is the one that fights the battle, not me, also, that no matter how far I fall short, He always has grace for me. -Zipporah B.

Hi Guys! I’m having a good time, haven’t fallen in the slough yet, and I’ve only gotten one S.B. Oh yeah! I may have forgotten our address, sooo... Please email address so I can write. The one, the only, -Aiden D.

Hi, Family! Boot Camp is awesome (as usual). The early mornings have been hard, but the O.C. is fun (Slough daily and the Wall 2 times) and so are our classes. I have a sunburn from Digging Class, we got a team S.B. the mosquitos are awful, and losing Arianna and Ariana was hard, but God is good! I’m count off number 15. I love Rally, and our team is getting closer and closer each day. I love you all! -Elianna M.

Only 3 more days! My team is amazing. We work well together in our classes and on the O.C. I miss my family, dog, guitar, and my mama and dad’s cooking

Love, Luke M.


Hello friends and family of Team India!
By: India Team Leaders (1)
India team update
By: India Team Leaders (2)