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We are Finishing Strong!

We are Finishing Strong!

Today was the final day of training, and the Iceland team has persevered. We are so incredibly proud of all 24 of these kids! We have watched them grow significantly through the past two weeks, and we are excited to continue to see them grow in Iceland this summer.

So Boot Camp was rough, our team had to rely on each other, and trust in the Lord with everything. For me I had to work with other people and trust them with things like the obstacle course. I had to trust my team and watch the front flag to know where to go. At the wall I had to trust them not to drop me, and trust the lifters to get me over the wall. Through this whole experience, the obstacle course, and waking up at 5:30 every morning I had to trust in the Lord. At first I tried doing everything on my own, and it was rough, like I almost collapsed, I was stressed, and it just wasn't working out. Then in the morning devotions, I prayed and asked the Lord to help me through, and everything just went smoother and I started to enjoy boot camp. Even though we had a bucked bathe and do laundry in that same bucket.I think that my team struggling as well helped me realize that it is okay to struggle. As long as we kept faith in the Lord, and rely on his strength.

Only Three More Days in Iceland!
By: Iceland Team Leaders
We have reached the homestretch
By: Iceland Team Leaders
Talk about an eventful week!
By: Iceland Team Leaders