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We are on the last day of training here at the Lord’s Boot Camp.

We have learned so much this past few weeks; it hasn’t all been easy, but the Lord has brought us through. It has been nice to have a few dry days to get our clothes dried. The next few days we will be taking down Boot Camp, and packing to go to South Africa. We have prayer closet tomorrow where we will have one person praying for an hour at a time from 8 AM-5 PM. It really is an important opportunity to pray for the teams and the overseas bases. We have KP on Saturday and will commission that night. Sunday, we will finish packing up and we head out Monday morning. We are excited for the next part of our journey and will be able to send our next report from South Africa!

Naomi L—God has been working in me. Even thought I’ve known my team for a week we already feel like family. He has really shown me that the way you act can affect you and others around you for eternity so that really opened my eyes to think about my actions.

Caden F—Boot Camp is great. The food here is good. The Obstacle Course is really fun and the classes are going great. The sleep here is a bit rough, but nothing our team can’t handle.

Jessica W—Boot Camp takes a lot of strength and grit, but it’s a great experience. At first, I felt like I couldn’t do it, that I would never make it. Then, I decided to take all my fear, stress, pain and emotions to God. Now, I can see myself growing with and through Christ and becoming unified with an amazing group of people!

Abby W—Boot Camp has been a very different experience so far for me. There has also been a lot to learn about how things work here. I’ve been struggling, but it’s forcing me to try to press into God and try to trust them.

Karissa B—Boot Camp is fun but very tiring. I’ve been sleeping very well in my tent. Rally is my favorite part.

Caroline G—On Teen Missions I have been given all the spiritual support and guidance I need to grow in Christ. During Boot Camp, I have needed to lean on God to make it through the days.

Paiton M—Boot Camp has stretched me and taken me far out of my comfort zone. I can see God working through our team to give us unity. It is awesome to be surrounded by other teens who love Jesus too!

Ellie L—After a week at Boot Camp our team has really bonded together. On the Obstacle Course especially, we have become a lot stronger when we work as a team. We’ve also found out how much louder we can be when we all sing together in music class. The Lord has drawn us all closer together in such a short amount of time!

Beatrice E—God is showing me how strong I actually am and how strong my faith is. Without God, I don’t know if I could have made it this far, but with Him, I’m still going and continuing to grow as a person and my faith is getting stronger every day.

We are packing up to head home tomorrow!
Greetings from the South Africa team.
By: South Africa (21007)
Web Report: South Africa
By: South Africa (21007)