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We have had a full week so far doing the work projects and evangelism.

We have had a full week so far doing the work projects and evangelism.

The rain has held off this week so we’ve gone out each day on the river in the afternoons and continued work putting up the fence.The team has really loved playing with the children each day after doing their presentations. This seems to be the highlight of each day. As we get closer to the end of our time in La Mosquitia, they’ve also been excited to see progress in the work they’re doing. We have 2 1/2 days left of work and EV before leaving on Tuesday for Santa Cruz. The time is really going by quickly.

Other than the many mosquitoes and other bug bites, we’re all doing well physically. In the evenings, those who have been serving in the kitchen with the lady leaders each day have been sharing devotions with the team. It has really been a blessing seeing the Lord move in their lives.

We are grateful for your continued prayers, and we hope you enjoy the team members comments.

Cadence G.
Honduras is absolutely fantastic. I never could have imagined leaving my heart here. I love going out to the villages and watching my team work with God. I am sad we are leaving but I’m excited to see my family.

Helen W.
The river trips are definitely my favorite part. The kids are friendly and I love working with them even if I can’t understand them. I miss my family, but I am definitely going to miss being here too.

Sammy S.
Though we gave all struggled since we’ve arrived, I think God has used us all in unique ways, and I am sad we will be leaving.

Cara A.
Honduras is beautiful…horses, cattle, dogs, it’s wonderful to see God’s work. I pray we continue to see His work and spread His Word.

Katie E.
It’s hard to describe how beautiful Honduras is. The nature, it’s flowers and butterflies everywhere. The river and even the rain. I really just love it. It’s a beautiful place to learn about God.

Asher J.
God has spoken to me in incredible ways here, and the smiles on kids’ faces are worth the worries along the way. Whether I am staring across the lagoon at the misty mountains or chopping roots in the beautiful jungle, God’s peace fills me.

Today is our last day in Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders
As our time in La Mosquitia has come to an end...
By: Honduras Team Leaders
We are in our last full week at La Mosquitia.
By: Honduras Team Leaders