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We have had a productive week as our team has been ministering and working.

We have had a productive week as our team has been ministering and working.

On Monday, we began the boat ministry with the circuit riders from the TMI base here in La Mosquitia. Since our team is so large, we are able to split in half, with the two groups rotating each day. One group goes out on the boat circuit while the other stays at the base to work. The main work project now is preparing to put up a fence around the property. There is a lot of steel tying happening as the rebar will go into the fence posts along with cement.

On Wednesday afternoon we had both groups going out…one on the river and one walked down to the police station to do a presentation. Overall, the team has really enjoyed riding to the villages on the river to minister to the children. Spiritually, a lot of our team members seem to be growing in their relationship with the Lord. It has been a blessing hearing their devotions in the evenings. Another thing the team enjoys is a walk to the store with some of the leaders during free time to pick up a cold soda or a fruit drink along with a snack.

We had several team members, a leader and leaders’ kid go through a couple days with fever. Thankfully everyone seems to be feeling well right now. Please continue to pray for us. This week is coming to an end in a couple days, then we have one more full week in La Mosquitia. We look forward to what else the Lord has prepared for us to do for Him.

Here are some testimonies from a few of our team members and leaders.

Candice C.
Honduras is Ok. I really like it here. It’s cool to see the different culture. I don’t really know what else to say, so, Hi mom and dad!

Jamario A.
This place is better than all the other places I’ve ever been. I’ve seen so many people grow in the Lord. I’ve even grown in the Lord because I have a bunch of friends here that are keeping me on check.

Allison L.
Honduras has been pretty good so far. It’s been a lot of fun going out on the boat to the different villages to evangelize to the kids. I’ve really seen the Lord work on our team.

Mr Ethan D.
This time in Honduras has been some of the most rewarding time I have spent at TMI. Learning and growing as a leader, and watching God move on the team has been amazing.


Today is our last day in Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders
As our time in La Mosquitia has come to an end...
By: Honduras Team Leaders
We have had a full week so far doing the work projects and evangelism.
By: Honduras Team Leaders