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We made it!

We made it!

Stories from South Africa 2: 

We made it!


Friday and Saturday, our team began packing up as much as we could. Since we didn’t leave until Monday morning, our official pack out day was Sunday. That meant we weren’t as rushed as some teams and we got to help take down Big Top 1 on Sunday. Once again, our team worked hard at every task that was given to them in the process of taking down Boot Camp. On Saturday, we all lit our candles and lined the pathway for the teams that were loading the bus. It was the most bittersweet commissioning service I have ever been apart of. The excitement was tangible, but there were also tears shed for the beloved team members that we had to leave behind. Please pray for the Florida Dream Team as they adjust their hearts for service in Florida and pray also for the teams leaving them behind. They left holes that can’t be replaced.
Our team project has changed, as the South Africa president closed travel between provinces. That means we can’t go to the school, but that we will be serving alongside the other South Africa team at the Teen Missions South Africa base. The kids adjusted well to that news, as they’ve had plenty of practice adjusting to changes in plans.
Our time traveling went smoothly, praise the Lord! We didn’t have much time in between flights, but we made very single one! The team was very thankful for the fun snacks that parents put together and Caroline J. mom dropped off in the Orlando airport. By our last flight (Amsterdam to Johannesburg), we were all exhausted, but the plane had a TON of empty seats. Once we took off, we were able to spread out and almost everyone had a row to themselves to sleep!
We made it to the base around midnight, assigned rooms, and crashed. Yesterday, we settled in and figured our work project. We get to stay inside the guest house with beds and bathrooms! It is very cold in the mornings and evenings, but by mid day, we are sweating again. Today, we have begun taking an old roof off of one of the buildings on the base. Our plan is to fix one of the walls with a crack and to totally replace the roof. We are enjoying playing with the staff kids here in our free time. For now, we are quarantined on the base for 2 weeks, but we look forward to getting out and evangelizing to the kids in the neighborhood later.
Please pray for our team health as some of us have developed head colds due to the weather.
From the team:
Aaron B.-  South Africa is a lot of fun and it’s kinda colder then I expected. KP is not the best because I can’t work with the team and I have to sweep with a broom that doesn’t have a handle. But the beds are are decent and the water is freezing. I finally got to see a dog again since they have guard dogs here (they don’t really guard anything)
Abigail Davis- Wow, I forgot how much I love South Africa. I came here in 2018 and it is so nice to be back. So far the team has settled in nicely and started the work project. Last night we got to see the sunset and that was the highlight of my day. Such a small reminder of how great our God is and how magical his creation is. Also Hi mom :)

Sunday School Circuit
The Roof is on!
Safari Trip