Welcome to Warm Lake Camp
We arrived late Sunday night to Boise and got to the church around midnight. We let them sleep in until 8:00 and had a nice breakfast provided to us from a special lady at the church. After devotions, we loaded up and headed North to Cascade. We stopped and had a nice picnic lunch by the river before continuing on to Warm Lake Camp. The team arrived at 3:15 and took a tour of our dorms and bath houses. The kids unloaded and had some time to get settled in before dinner. The leaders met with the caretaker at camp to get our work projects figured out for the week and then we started on our classes. This summer we are doing a Bible Study on Galatians. It was a joy to see how interactive your children are. They had some wonderful insights and discussion. We also got started on our Girls and Guys classes which also were full of curiosity and wonderful discussion. Please pray that this continues, as they get so much more out of the studies when they are willing to participate. The camp that is taking place this week is for 5th and 6th graders. Last night they had us come in and tell who we were and where we were from. It was fun to see the smiles on your kids faces as we explained what we were here to do for the camp. They are excited to serve the Lord!
The camp is located in the beautiful mountains north of Boise Idaho. We are surrounded by Ponderosa pines and many other varieties of pine trees. The kids really enjoyed sleeping in beds last night. No A/C, but it cools down nicely at night and we woke up to 55 degrees this morning.
This week we are beginning our work projects. The camp did a wonderful job creating a list of things they would like done, so we will not run out of projects. Today we are starting on fire mitigation and creating a defensible space around the buildings and camp sites at the camp. It will take us most of the week as it is a large property. Tomorrow we will begin working on our dramas and puppet presentations in preparation for the High School and Middle School camps.
Rebekah G.: Hello, right now while I am writing this I am on a plane. First, we stop at Las Vegas airport and then we continue our journey to Idaho. I am super excited and nervous. I miss everyone so much and I am praying for everyone. I am excited to see you and talk to you at the end of the summer. Right now I am making the memories that soon I will tell you. God has already taught me so much and the summer still isn't over. We all made it through Boot Camp. Our team isn't as big as it used to be, but God has an amazing plan. I am excited for everything that is going to happen. Thank you for all your prayers. Love Rebekah
Bea E.: Hello we are on the plane right now and we are stopping in Las Vegas. It was so good to hear your voice today mom. I wish though that I could have talked to dad too. I miss all of you. I wish all of you guys were with me, but I am so excited to tell people about Jesus. Love Bea
Abraham C.: We are at a church camp in Idaho. It is cold, but when the sun comes out it is hot. There is lots of work and still no A/C. The bathrooms are small and have no doors and the showers are showers.
Hannah I.: I am on an airplane right now feeling scared and sick. I forgot the Dramamine this time. On the bright side mosquitos can't follow you onto an airplane. Dad I wish I had your hand to hold, and mom your voice to listen to. I miss you Emma, Josh, Aidan and Benny. I'm so excited to share the love of Jesus with people and can't wait to tell you all about it. I love you-Hannah Grace
Shelbi K.: We are at the camp and it is really beautiful in Boise, Idaho. I love the nature sounds and how beautiful the land and the breeze is. I am so grateful for no mosquitos, and I can't wait for sightseeing. I don't want to go back for debrief because I love the weather here. We still have to do our presentations and what not, but at least it is not humid.
Collin O.: The camp is nicer than Boot Camp. I like how dry it is. The food so far is great!