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We've only been here as a team for five days,...

We've only been here as a team for five days,...

We've only been here as a team for five days, but it seems much longer! The days are long; it is very hot and humid and there hasn't been much rain. However, the Lord blesses us with nice cool breezes, great times of conversations with the team and evening rallys that are filled with the Holy Spirit.

The team has been through carpentry, block-laying, cement, drama and music classes so far. Tomorrow (Friday), our team will have special water-safety training to prepare us for the boat rides in Honduras. It will include class time as well as a time in the water.

Overall, the team is doing well and really coming together. It has been hard, but they are all trying to do their best most of the time. Please continue praying for us as we go through each day training and being equipped to share the Gospel in Honduras.

Here are some testimonies from some of our team members:

I've learned a lot about the Lord. I personally can say that boot camp can teach you many things like team work, steel tying, block laying, and most of all about the Lord. Day by day you can learn a lot of things like verses and the creation of the world. This is a camp where you can learn and it's a place people should go to. -Austin K

I've learned how to do a lot of teamwork. I think Boot Camp is a great way to learn who you are as a person. The verse Joshua 1:9 has helped me stay positive about everything. -Aislynn M.

This camp has been great. Its food tastes awesome. I love the camp leaders. It has a great obstacle course. Also, it gets you close to God. -Javier P.

This Boot Camp has little to no mosquitos and even less heat. Yay! Concrete class was fun, and our team is coming together really well. Mom, if you read this, I love you! -Maranatha R.

I love the community and new friends I've made. It's been hard and hot, but I know that this camp's mission feels like what I was meant to do. Despite the bugs and bites, I'm happy I came. Also, Hi mom and dad! Love you! -Katie E.

Today is our last day in Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders
As our time in La Mosquitia has come to an end...
By: Honduras Team Leaders
We have had a full week so far doing the work projects and evangelism.
By: Honduras Team Leaders