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What a relaxing Sunday here at the Lord’s Boot Camp.

I know that doesn’t sound like Boot Camp, but it was a much-needed change of pace and we were still busy doing things! We changed tent partners, had our team photos taken, learned verses went through the Teen Missions Display Room, and spent time in the pool. The Display Room was interesting because it showed us all the countries that Teen Missions works in and the various ministries in those countries. Tonight after rally, we are going to watch a movie and have popcorn.

Yesterday was milkshake and pizza night. The shake was chocolate and it was creamy. Yum! The pizzas were in the shape of alligators and were sooo good! Thanks to all those who worked so hard to feed us the special meal last night.

As we move into this second week, please pray for the final four days of classes, then Friday we take down some of the Big Tops and OC, then pack out on Saturday. Commissioning night is coming sooner than we think!

Here are some testimonies of how Boot Camp is going. We are blessed by how the Lord is working in the team members’ and leaders’ lives!

Rebecca D.—Boot Camp has been teaching me patience and trust. I’ve met people from different teams. Some in the bathroom, some on the OC! When I came back from counseling, I had teammates ready and willing to be there for me.

Alyssa W.—I love the devotion time that they provide. It allows me to have plenty of time in God’s Word and I feel like I have already grown so much from it.

Caleb E.—Hey mom and dad and all, I am doing great! Our team is bonding well and I’m having a great time.

Ben L—I see God in the team I am on. The South Africa team is doing great. I was having trouble learning and memorizing the verses. I suddenly felt a very energizing push. Our team is constantly getting faster and better on the OC. I can see that God is working in our team.

Luke W—The Lord’s Boot Camp is a place that surrounds you in a Christian environment and it also makes you think about what you are going to do with your life. At Boot Camp we have slept in tents, washed our clothes in a bucket, and have also run an obstacle course every day. We have rallies at night and I have learned a lot about God. I'm trying to figure out how to find God’s will for my life.

Mikala P—Something God has taught me during Boot Camp is that sometimes you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable in order to do His will. He has shown me that perseverance doesn’t always come easily but good things are around the corner like the team unity that we have achieved so quickly.

James A—During Boot Camp, many things have happened. I’ve learned lots about God, and many other things as well. I’m also improving my time on the Obstacle Course. Boot Camp has taught me to endure through anything that comes my way, even when it’s hardest.

Elijah J—I’ve learned many things at Boot Camp. I have learned how to properly dig, build a corner piece for a wall, make and pour concrete, make a sword out of a balloon, and many more things. I have also deepened my relationship with Christ and learned to create a habit out of devotions. I’ve also learned how to quickly memorize verses and maintain them as I learn more and more.

We are packing up to head home tomorrow!
Greetings from the South Africa team.
By: South Africa (21007)
Web Report: South Africa
By: South Africa (21007)