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22 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (12)
It’s the final countdown for Colombia!
It’s crazy to think that yesterday was our last Sunday and today is our last Monday in Colombia! We keep talking about how time has flown...
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22 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (10)
Nearly three weeks down and one to go here in Poland!
Friday was a normal workday for our team who continued the projects at both of the buildings we have been working on. Flooring, painting,...
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22 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (11)
Hello from team Zambia!
Since our last report we have wrapped up our time in the bush and traveled back to Ndola Base for two days, and now we’re in Livingstone...
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22 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (11)
Malawi team sightseeing
We can feel that our time is coming to a close here in Malawi but we're trying to focus on the here and now, being present. The last...
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22 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (12)
Dominican Republic Report
Hi everyone! This is Mr. Tim reporting in from the airport, we are about to depart for our flight back to Florida. The team is looking...
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22 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (10)
Philippines Report
One of the last updates from the Philippines! Hello again friends and family! We just wrapped up our last weekend here in this beautiful...
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21 Jul 24
Germany Team Leaders (11)
Germany is traveling
Greetings from the Frankfurt Airport! We just want to let you all know that we have started our journey back to Florida for Debrief....
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21 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (11)
DR is traveling
DR is traveling
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21 Jul 24
TMI Staff
Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
The following team have arrive safely at debrief - Saturday July 20th, and Sunday July 21st - Brazil, Taiwan, Honduras, Germany,...
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20 Jul 24
India Team Leaders (9)
Exciting week in India
Well, what an exciting week! We prayed for "donut holes" in the weather earlier this week so we could work and God blessed us with...
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