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30 Jul 24
TMI Staff
Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
The Zambia team is back together after three flights yesterday from New York. The last group arrived at Debrief around 7:00 PM. Thank you...
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28 Jul 24
TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York. Because of a delay in their flight coming from Nairobi, they missed the fight to Orlando....
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27 Jul 24
TMI Staff
UPDATE: Malawi, Philippines, Poland, Colombia , and India arrived safely at Debrief.
UPDATE: Malawi, Philippines, Poland, Colombia , and India arrived safely at Debrief.
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27 Jul 24
India Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from Delhi! We arrived yesterday. None of our luggage was on the carousel (oh no, not again) but after walking around, we found...
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26 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leader (12)
One final hello from team Zambia!!
Today is our final full day in the beautiful country of Zambia. What a blessing it has been! Today the kids were able to attend one of...
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25 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (13)
Our last report from Colombia :(
It’s crazy to believe that this is it! We only have 3 more days and then we are off to Bogota to the airport and back to Florida for...
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25 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (11)
It’s our last day in Jawor!
It is Thursday morning here in Poland, and as I write this report a portion of the team is working on laying the last few rows of...
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25 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (11)
Our time in the Philippines is coming to an end!
Hello friends and family of the Philippines team! Wow! Our summer has flown by! I can’t believe we have just over a day left in here!
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24 Jul 24
India Team Leaders (10)
India team is preparing to come home
Wow! It is hard to believe that our time here in Vijayawada is coming to a close. We are spending today cleaning and packing to prepare...
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24 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (12)
Malawi coming to a close
As our time here comes to a close, we feel very blessed as we both reflect but also do our best to maximize what God has us doing right...
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22 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (12)
It’s the final countdown for Colombia!
It’s crazy to think that yesterday was our last Sunday and today is our last Monday in Colombia! We keep talking about how time has flown...
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22 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (10)
Nearly three weeks down and one to go here in Poland!
Friday was a normal workday for our team who continued the projects at both of the buildings we have been working on. Flooring, painting,...
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22 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (11)
Hello from team Zambia!
Since our last report we have wrapped up our time in the bush and traveled back to Ndola Base for two days, and now we’re in Livingstone...
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22 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (11)
Malawi team sightseeing
We can feel that our time is coming to a close here in Malawi but we're trying to focus on the here and now, being present. The last...
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22 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (12)
Dominican Republic Report
Hi everyone! This is Mr. Tim reporting in from the airport, we are about to depart for our flight back to Florida. The team is looking...
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22 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (10)
Philippines Report
One of the last updates from the Philippines! Hello again friends and family! We just wrapped up our last weekend here in this beautiful...
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21 Jul 24
Germany Team Leaders (11)
Germany is traveling
Greetings from the Frankfurt Airport! We just want to let you all know that we have started our journey back to Florida for Debrief....
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21 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (11)
DR is traveling
DR is traveling
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21 Jul 24
TMI Staff
Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
The following team have arrive safely at debrief - Saturday July 20th, and Sunday July 21st - Brazil, Taiwan, Honduras, Germany,...
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20 Jul 24
India Team Leaders (9)
Exciting week in India
Well, what an exciting week! We prayed for "donut holes" in the weather earlier this week so we could work and God blessed us with...
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20 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (12)
Honduras team has arrived at Debrief
This past week has been very busy but we’ve been having a blast here in Honduras serving the Lord and sight seeing. It has been raining...
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20 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders
Brazil Photo
Brazil Photos
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19 Jul 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (9)
Taiwan Galilee Camp
The team is having a blast helping with the Galilee camp. We are currently sitting inside a large outdoor basketball court playing all...
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19 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (9)
Back to the daily grind in Poland!
After a fun and eventful weekend we are back to our regular work-week schedule here in Jawor.
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19 Jul 24
Brazil team Leaders (13)
One Last Day in Belem
The time has come to begin our journey back to Florida. Right now, the team is working on finishing several projects around the property....
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18 Jul 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (9)
Hola for the last time from Guatemala!
The team has kicked it into high gear these last few days! They are SO close to finishing this project! They’ve gotten the limestone...
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18 Jul 24
Tanzania Team Leaders (9)
Greetings from Tanzania!
This past Monday brought our last work period and clinic, and with that we began the tourism part of our trip! On Tuesday the team set...
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18 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders
Malawi LDT Pictures
Malawi LDT Pictures
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18 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (11)
Colombia Photo and Videos
Colombia Photo and Videos
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17 Jul 24
Germany Team Leaders (10)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
The Ukrainian camp is moving along fast and very soon we will be heading to Florida for Debrief.
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17 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (10)
Greetings from the DR team!
This is our last week here in the Dominican Republic, and the team members have been working diligently in order to finish their work...
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17 Jul 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (8)
Taiwan Photos
Nikki- “The kids have so much energy…it’s amazing even though we are exhausted…love and miss you!” Grace- “God doesn’t stop at the border!”
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17 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (9)
What an exhilarating whirlwind this week has been!
HEY, Grab your popcorn and get comfy, because this report will be EXCITING :)
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17 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (10)
Zambia report #2
Hello from Zambia! We have made it to a Rescue Unit of Teen Missions in Lufanyama! Signal is still quite bad out here, but we’re doing...
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17 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (9)
Zambia #1 report
Hello from Team Zambia! Things are going well here in Wangibasha! It’s been a little difficult to get reports/messages out because of how...
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16 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (12)
Brazil Photos
Brazil Photos
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16 Jul 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (7)
Taiwan finishes Second Camp
At both the Halelujah Camp in Taipei and the Shout Camp in Fulong we have seen God at work. Many responded to the altar calls and made...
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16 Jul 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (8)
Guatemala finishing strong
We can’t believe it’s almost time to come home. The summer has flown by and we have had a wonderful trip serving the Lord in Joyabaj! The...
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15 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.
The weather here is a consistent 80s during the day and the usual evening thunderstorm. We had an awesome time at a local church that had...
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15 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (11)
Team Brazil is Working Hard!
It has almost been one week since we arrived in Belem, and a lot of progress has been made on the property. We have also gotten into a...
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15 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (8)
Philippines shares with kids!
Hello friends and family! We are just past the halfway point of our time here in the Philippines. Our days have been packed with a lot of...
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15 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (8)
Poland spends a weekend in Germany!
After evangelizing at a festival on Friday afternoon, taking multiple trains to visit two different cities in Germany on Saturday, and...
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15 Jul 24
Tanzania Team Leaders (8)
We’re doing great in awesome Tanzania
I say awesome because it’s been easy to see an awesome example of God’s majesty in Mt. Kilimanjaro. We had our clearest day seeing...
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15 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (10)
Colombia team sharing the Gospel
The Colombia team had been so productive! On Thursday the team finally got to start laying concrete for the side walks. They also started...
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15 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (9)
DR Blessed with Presentation Opportunities
Mr. Tim reporting in once again from the DR! Once again I'd like to start by reassuring all of you that everyone is safe and for the most...
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14 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (9)
Videos From Children’s Ministry Presentation Colombia
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14 Jul 24
Tanzania Team Leaders (7)
Hello everyone!
We have reached a little over the halfway point of our time here in Tanzania. The team is doing well, and continue to show the joy of...
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14 Jul 24
India Team Leaders (8)
Greetings from rainy India!
Periodic rain has been our challenge the past few days. It has hampered our work project and we wonder if our clothes will ever dry, but...
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14 Jul 24
Germany Team Leaders (9)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
Our team arrived at the Real Life Ukrainian camp yesterday around 2PM. The members and leaders have been divided into eight teams here at...
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14 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (8)
Happy Sunday from Rumphi, Malawi!
The pavilion is coming along nicely. It looks great and we are surprised how fast we've been able to accomplish our goals. The entire...
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12 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (8)
Quick Zambia update
Hey everyone...we made it safely out to Wangibasha, however, reports will definitely be an issue. We’ve had to drive about an hour to...
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12 Jul 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (7)
Hola amigos y familiares!
Things here in Guatemala are going smoothly! The team is working hard and making great progress! They have changed the focus of the...
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12 Jul 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (6)
Fruitful week for the Taiwan team.
This has been a very busy, but fruitful week for the Taiwan team. We have been serving all week at Shout Camp in Fulong, Taiwan. The...
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11 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (9)
Good morning from sunny Santa Cruz.
The weather is in the mid 80’s almost daily and slightly humid. We have been having thunderstorms in the afternoon that cool it off for...
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11 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (8)
Malawi LDT is Rockin' & Rollin'
We are so blessed to walk with such an awesome God. If God is for us, who can be against us? The team is truly getting to see just what a...
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11 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (10)
Finally settled in Belem!
Ten days after commissioning at Teen Missions, Team Brazil has finally arrived at our official project site in Belem! To say it has been...
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11 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (7)
The Poland team is hard at work
The Poland team is hard at work on all three project sites. I’ll divide up each work site by a paragraph to help give clarity.
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11 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (8)
Hola from Republica Dominicana!
Time has been going by fast this week, we are already half way through our time here. The team has had a pretty busy week. We have been...
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11 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (8)
Greetings from the Colombia team!
Greetings from the Colombia team! We are halfway through our second week in Colombia and we have been busy! The team has been hard at...
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10 Jul 24
Germany Team Leaders (8)
Greetings once again from Nuremberg Germany!
We are all doing well and everyone is enjoying the ministry opportunities we've had this week. On Monday some of the team was able to do...
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10 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (7)
The Philippines is starting to feel like home
Hello friends and family! Having been here a little over a week, the team is settling in wonderfully and adapting really well to the...
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10 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (9)
¡Hola! From Honduras
We have been having a wonderful time in Honduras this past week. The weather has been pretty warm these past few days with mostly clear...
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10 Jul 24
India Team Leaders (7)
Greetings from overcast India!
We have experienced some sprinkles and cloud cover today which is always an extra blessing with the heat of India.
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09 Jul 24
Tanzania Team Leaders (6)
Our first weekend in Tanzania has been full of excitement and opportunity!
Our first weekend in Tanzania has been full of excitement and opportunity! (update photos added)
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08 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (7)
The Adventures of Team Malawi...
We have had an eventful and spontaneous first couple of days here in Rumphi, Malawi, as we have gotten situated into our base location....
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08 Jul 24
Honduras TeamLeader (8)
Honduras Photo(2)
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08 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (7)
Muli Shani from team Zambia!
Things here are COLD, but amazing! As I write this report we’re all tightly loaded up on a bus headed out to the bush. Wangibasha....
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08 Jul 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (6)
Guatemala sends their greetings!
Hello to everyone back in the states! Thank you all for your prayers!
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08 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (7)
Colombia ministers at a local Church
Our team has had a lot of great experiences and less than a week since arriving here in Colombia! The preteen Boot Camp ended on Saturday...
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08 Jul 24
Germany Team Leaders (7)
Hello from the Germany team!
We are all doing well and enjoying our work and ministry here in Nuremberg! The days are rushing by fast. It's hard to believe that our...
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08 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (7)
Greetings from the Dominican Republic
This is the beginning of our second week here. Yesterday morning, Saturday the 6th, we had a work project where we painted tires that...
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08 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (6)
Team Poland is praising the Lord for his goodness!
All of our bags have now arrived and we are making great progress on our worksites. Most of the sub-floor has been prepped in the new...
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08 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (6)
Hello friends and family of the Philippines team!
It seems like most of the team is finally starting to figure out this time change! We’ve all been sleeping at night! Yay!
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08 Jul 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (5)
Taiwan getting ready for Shout Camp
The team arrived at Shout camp yesterday and spent time setting up for it today. The kids who have registered for the camp will arrive on...
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08 Jul 24
India Team Leaders (6)
So much has happened in India!
The biggest news here in India is that after two visa denials, London, our leader arrived with a 10-year, multiple-entry visa in hand. It...
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07 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (8)
Confirmed Flights for Belem
This has been a unique experience for the Brazil team as none of our original plans have come to fruition. It’s just a great reminder...
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06 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (7)
Brazil Report
It is amazing how the Lord blesses us each day. Last night we left the airport in São Paulo to stay at a nearby church. The people of the...
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05 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (7)
Greetings from Honduras.
Work projects have been going well. We have been working on the kitchen building - spreading sand for the floor, steel tying the concrete...
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05 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (6)
Colombia Video
Colombia Video
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04 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (6)
Travel to Rumphi Update
The team has made it to Rumphi! After some bus problems, we have finally made it to the Rumphi base. They made us dinner and the students...
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04 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (6)
Another Day in São Paulo
Last night we were talking with some of the girls on our team about how we can’t know what’s coming next, and we can’t be in control of...
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04 Jul 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (5)
Waking up in Guatemala is beautiful!
Hello friends and family! Waking up in Guatemala is beautiful! The mountains ??are green and gorgeous and there’s a thick fog off in the...
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04 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (6)
Honduras Photos
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04 Jul 24
Tanzania Team Leaders (5)
Things are going well in Tanzania!
Things are going well in Tanzania! We arrived on Monday night and had Tuesday to settle in. The kids are enjoying the breeze off Mount...
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04 Jul 24
India Team Leaders (5)
First off, thank you so much to the parents for their generosity in providing all the goodies for our team. That was such a blessing.
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04 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (5)
Hello from the beautiful town of Jawor, Poland!
Our team arrived at our destination safe and sound (and a little tired) at midnight last night; missing 5 of our bags, but otherwise in...
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04 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (5)
Greetings from Colombia!
We arrived to our destination at 3:55 am on Tuesday morning! Over all we had very easy travel, except for when we arrived in Colombia the...
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04 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (6)
Hello from Zambia!
WE HAVE ARRIVED! Wow, there’s lots to fill you all in on. Needless to say, travel was an adventure but we praise God that we are all here...
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03 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (5)
Zambia Team
The Zambia team is doing well. They are waiting for their last leg of travel to Lusaka, which has been delayed 25 minutes. Thanks for...
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03 Jul 24
Poland Team Leaders (5)
Poland has arrived
Following several delays, 5 lost bags and a five-hour bus ride, we made it to the church in Jawor. The bags left in Paris and are...
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03 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (6)
DR perfecting presentations!
Mr. Tim reporting in again from the DR! First off, and most importantly, I'd like to let you know that everyone is still healthy and safe.
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03 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (5)
Brazil Team in São Paulo
We arrived this morning in São Paulo.
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03 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (5)
Team Malawi is finally on Malawi soil!
We're all dog tired but excited to be here. Miscious, (Miss-ee-us) our missionary, met us here at the airport and the Lord blessed us by...
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03 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (5)
Philippines report
The Philippines team safely landed yesterday! After a night in Orlando, a 12 hour long layover in LAX, and a 12 hour lay over in Manila,...
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03 Jul 24
Philippines Team Leaders (4)
Philippines team has arrived
We received a quick message from the Philippines team that they have arrived safely and are getting settled. They will do a report soon!
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03 Jul 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (4)
The Taiwan Team has arrived safely in Taiwan!
We arrived in Taipei on Monday night after several long days of travel. The team was very tired, but happy to be in Taiwan (and happy...
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02 Jul 24
Brazil Team Leaders (4)
Brazil Travel Update
Plans don’t always go the way we expect, and that’s what has happened with Team Brazil as we began our travels on Sunday morning (June 30).
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02 Jul 24
Germany Team Leaders (5)
Germany Team arrival
Just want to drop a quick update to let you all know that we made it safely to Germany.
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02 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (4)
Honduras Welcomed by TMI Honduras Staff
Team Honduras arrived around 5 o’clock Honduran time on Sunday.
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02 Jul 24
Tanzania Team Leaders
Tanzania has arrived and are settled in! Report will be coming soon.
Tanzania has arrived and are settled in! Report will be coming soon.
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02 Jul 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (4)
Hello from Joyabaj, Guatemala!
The team arrived safely last night after a slight delay in flight in Dallas/Fort Worth. Praise the Lord!!
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02 Jul 24
India Team Leaders
India has arrived! Report will be coming soon.
India has arrived! Report will be coming soon.
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01 Jul 24
Zambia Team Leaders (4)
Hi from team Zambia!
Saturday we had our lovely Commissioning service, it was so fun to see some of you parents! Man, you guys truly blessed us with SO MANY...
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01 Jul 24
DR Team Leaders (5)
DR has arrived safely!
Tim P, one of the leaders for the Dominican Republic trip here. I’m pleased to announce that we have arrived at the DR and everyone is...
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01 Jul 24
Malawi Team Leaders (4)
Malawi Traveling Report #1
We hope and pray that everyone back home is well. Your prayers are most appreciated!
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01 Jul 24
Honduras Team Leaders (4)
Team Honduras arrived.
Team Honduras arrived at the Santa Cruz base around 5 this afternoon. Everyone is exhausted, but otherwise doing well. Sending everyone...
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01 Jul 24
Colombia Team Leaders (4)
Colombia team is on their way!
Boot camp is over! On Saturday night boot camp came to an end and we had our commissioning service on Saturday night (6/29). It was such...
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30 Jun 24
DR Team Leaders (4)
Greetings from Santo Domingo!
Sending a quick email to let you know that we have arrived safely and are on our way to the CEF property in a bus with all our bags....
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30 Jun 24
Germany Team Leaders (4)
Germany Team After Commissioning Report
We would like to thank everyone who came out for the Commissioning Service yesterday.
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27 Jun 24
Colombia Team Leaders (3)
We are speeding through the last days of Boot Camp.
We are excited to have had contact with some of the Colombian staff we will be working with and even had some run the Obstacle Course...
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27 Jun 24
Phililppines Team Leaders (3)
Hello friends and family of the Philippines team!
The team is doing great! The team has been going through Boot Camp, getting to know each other and having a grand old time. They are fast...
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27 Jun 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (3)
Hello, from the Guatemala Team.
Here in Florida it's hot, humid, and fast paced, but our team is overcoming these challenges day by day. Each morning during the Obstacle...
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27 Jun 24
Brazil Team Leaders.(3)
Our team works together so well.
If there is one word to describe our team right now, I would say it would be unified! Our team works together so well.
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27 Jun 24
Brazil Team Leaders (2)
Today is Sunday, and it's hard to believe we only have five more days until Commissioning Day
Everyone on the team is doing well. It has been drier than when they first arrived, much warmer and very humid!
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26 Jun 24
Germany Team Leader (3)
The Germany team has been working hard finishing up their training classes...
A high from the past couple days is that our team has won the clean award for the third time! We were given a spot in the air...
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26 Jun 24
Zambia Team Leaders (3)
Howdy from Team Zambia!
We are still going strong here in Merritt Island, Florida. The weather has been lovely (considering we are in Florida), with the...
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26 Jun 24
Tanzania Team Leaders (3)
Boot Camp is all too quickly coming to a close!
Boot Camp is all too quickly coming to a close, and the team is very excited to run the Obstacle Course for the very last time tomorrow...
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26 Jun 24
India Team Leaders (3)
Training continues for India!
Yesterday was Bittersweet for the India Team; two of the Visas that we had been praying so fervently for could not be processed in time,...
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26 Jun 24
Poland Team Leaders (3)
Commissioning Night is on the horizon!
Our team is SO ready and eager for Poland when they can finally stop sweating and swatting mosquitoes! The leaders are right there with...
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26 Jun 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (3)
Hello from the Taiwan team!
It has been an exciting past few days here at the Lord's Boot Camp!
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26 Jun 24
Dominican Republic Team Leaders (3)
Boot camp has been extremely fun and exciting the past few days!
Boot Camp has been extremely fun and exciting the past few days! Praise the Lord that we have been excelling as we work together as a...
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26 Jun 24
Honduras Team Leaders (3)
What an amazing day!
We might have gotten first place if someone's head had not been over the starting line.  But, still... so excited for getting 23 people...
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25 Jun 24
Poland Team Leaders (2)
For His glory!
That is our team callback and theme for the summer. The Poland team is committed to doing and saying everything for His glory alone, and...
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25 Jun 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (2)
The Taiwan team is coming together nicely. 
It’s hard to believe that this team has been here for only five days. It would appear that they have been together for much longer!...
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25 Jun 24
Dominican Republic Team Leaders (2)
Hello from the Dominican Republic team!
This past week of Boot Camp has been both challenging and extremely rewarding for our team. Boot Camp is in full swing now the...
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25 Jun 24
Tanzania Team Leaders (2)
Hello Everyone!
For the past few days, the team has been busy with our Boot camp schedule and classes. We have had multiple medical classes, one on...
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25 Jun 24
India Team Leaders (2)
India team update
Have you ever heard the phrase “The days are long, but the weeks are short”? Well, that’s how Boot Camp feels! This week seems to have...
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25 Jun 24
Honduras Preteen Leaders (1)
Our preteen team is setting all kinds of records!
This morning when we ran the Obstacle Course, we completed the books of the Bible for the first time!
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25 Jun 24
Guatemala Team Leader (2)
Hello, friends, family, prayer partners, and supporters!
2 Team Guatemala has been doing generally well these past few days. We've started taking more classes, including Block-Laying, Advanced...
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25 Jun 24
Philippines Team Leaders (2)
Wow! It is hard to believe we have been together almost a week now.
The team has been loving Boot Camp so far and has been doing very well.
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25 Jun 24
Zambia Team Leaders (2)
Things are getting along quite well here in Florida.
Some days have been rainy, however, the last couple of days have been nothing more than a little drizzle.
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25 Jun 24
Malawi Team Leaders
Greetings from the Lord's Boot Camp!
We are on day 12 here at Boot Camp. Each day we are praying for endurance to finish strong, and are excited to get on our way to Malawi.
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25 Jun 24
Colombia Team Leaders (2)
Colombia team at Boot Camp.
Colombia team had been hard at work here at Boot Camp, being trained in practical and spiritual things. We're all adjusting to one other...
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24 Jun 24
Germany Team Leaders (2)
Our Boot Camp classes have been going very well.
This week we have had many classes including Advanced Evangelism, Puppets, Music, and Drama. The team has been getting along well and is...
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22 Jun 24
Germany Team Leaders (1)
Hey Y'all (from a Canadian)
Today is June 19, we are currently in Merritt Island, Florida at Boot Camp. It has been very rainy the past few days, but the cold...
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22 Jun 24
Dominican Republic Team Leaders (1)
Greetings from the Dominican Republic Team!
It is the second day at the Lord's Boot Camp here at Teen Missions, and it has been such a blessing to be here with the team! We have...
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22 Jun 24
Guatemala Team Leaders (1)
Hello, friends, family, prayer partners and supporters!
Boot Camp is now fully underway, and Team Guatemala is thriving despite their circumstances.
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22 Jun 24
Zambia Team Leaders (1)
Hello from team Zambia!
Things are going very well here in Merritt Island, FL. We have been getting quite a bit of rain here lately, but the team is taking it...
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21 Jun 24
Malawi Team Leaders
Big Boot Camp has started!
On Tuesday (06-18) the rest of the 2024 teams arrived. Arrival day was super busy with our team all over the place.
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21 Jun 24
India Team Leaders (1)
Hello friends and family of Team India!
These first few days have been crazy busy as the India team gets into the rhythm of Boot Camp life; we had Kitchen Patrol (KP) and...
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21 Jun 24
Tanzania Team Leaders (1)
It's Boot Camp time here!
As of this morning, everything has been in full swing, and all the teams here have been incredibly busy. It has been raining on and off,...
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21 Jun 24
Honduras Preteen Leaders (2)
The Honduras Preteen team is doing really well.
They all arrived by 3:00 PM on 6/18. No illness or injury to report. The team is learning how to count off and march in a straight line....
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21 Jun 24
Poland Team Leaders (1)
Excitement is buzzing....
Excitement is buzzing (and so are the mosquitos) here at the Lord's Boot Camp! Our whole team has safely arrived and settled into their...
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21 Jun 24
Taiwan Team Leaders (1)
Greetings from the Taiwan Team!
It has been an exciting time here at the Lord's Boot Camp! Arrival day went smoothly during registration and we began to grow as a team.
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21 Jun 24
Colombia Team Leaders (1)
Colombia at Boot Camp!
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21 Jun 24
Philippines Team Leders (1)
Hello, friends and family of the Philippines team!
All team members and leaders have made it to Boot Camp safely. The team has 18 team members and four leaders.
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21 Jun 24
Brazil Team Leaders (1)
Hello from the Brazil team!
What a blessing as a leader to meet your children—to have them on our team!
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16 Jun 24
Malawi Team Leaders
Malawi LD
Things are in full swing here at the Lord's Boot Camp.
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