Teen Missions Overseas
Welcome to Teen Missions in Uganda!
History & Ministries
Our first North American mission trip to Uganda arrived in 1991 and Teen Missions started its first national Boot Camp there in 1992. In 1996, 17 acres of land was acquired, which is located in Nakabango, a village near Jinja. Like most bases, an annual Boot Camp and an effective Bible, Missionary & Work (BMW) Training Center is run on the property. In 2006, a second Boot Camp, called the Promised Land, was opened in northern Uganda on the shores of Lake Kyoga. Teen Missions in Uganda also facilitate two Rescue Units and three Matron Unit for young girls who live too far away from school to go home each night. On the main base, the staff and students are involved in agricultural projects such as gardening and raising livestock. In January 2010 work began on a new base in the extreme north-west corner of Uganda in a town called Koboko. This base includes a Rescue Unit and Boot Camp, making it possible to reach youth in northern Uganda including the Sudanese and Congolese who also live there.

2—Boot Camps

2—Bible Schools

3—Rescue Units
1—Matron Units

22—Sunday Schools

Retreat Center — Yes
The Land & People of Uganda
Fertile plains and mystic mountains define the landlocked sub-Saharan African country of Uganda. Winston Churchill dubbed it, “The Pearl of Africa.” 41 million people reside in Uganda. English is widely spoken, along with many tribal languages and dialects. Indigenous beliefs, Protestantism and Islam are all major religions in Uganda. Sadly, poverty and AIDS are two glaring realities that Ugandans face on a regular basis, though coffee plantations and farming are major sources of income.Country Coordinators
News & Updates
01 Jun 23
Lights On In Koboko, Uganda
Recently, the staff and Mr. Steven worked diligently to install solar equipment and connection for the staff house on our TMI base in...
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24 Jul 22
Farewell Uganda!
Wow. We cannot believe we have reached the end of our time in Uganda. Saying goodbye this morning to all of our new friends was hard. But...
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21 Jul 22
Hello all!
The Uganda team is doing… okay. To be honest, since our last report we’ve had a bit of sickness. I’m pretty sure most of the sick ones...
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18 Jul 22
Jambo!!! Hello from team Uganda!
Man, what a whirlwind these past few days have been! The kids (and leaders) have had so much fun, but we sure are tired!
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14 Jul 22
Rainstorm in Uganda!
Greetings from the muddy Uganda team! On Thursday morning we had a very unexpected rainstorm come through and completely drench us. The...
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11 Jul 22
What a Sunday!
Hello from the Uganda team! It’s been a fun past few days and I’m excited to update you all.
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