Teen Missions Overseas
Welcome to Teen Missions in Honduras!
History & Ministries
Teen Missions in Honduras is located near the town of San Pedro Sula. Each year the staff run a Boot Camp during the months of December and January. They also operate a Bible, Missionary & Work (BMW) Training Center, as well as a retreat center. The staff and students are actively involved in their community and have started a ministry at the local high school. They also are also looking for ways to make the base self-sufficient through gardens, fish ponds, etc.

2—Boot Camp

2—Bible Schools

12—Sunday Schools

Retreat Center — Yes
The Land & People
Honduras is a small Central American nation of only 7 million people, with coastlines along the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. Is is slightly larger than Tennessee. Its beautiful Mayan ruins attract many tourists but the wealth of the ancient empires is a stark contrast to the present poverty of Honduras. Honduras is one of the poorest nations in the Western Hemisphere and has had many setbacks over the years, such as the devastating Hurricane Mitch in 1998. Spanish is the official language and the majority of the population holds to Roman Catholic beliefs. The capital of this small country is Tegucigalpa.Country Coordinators
News & Updates
18 Feb 21
The Container Arrived!!
The contents were split and part of the container was given to La Mosquitia.
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27 May 21
10 Dec 20
23 Jul 22
Today is our last day in Santa Cruz.
It has been a nice time being here over the past several days. Along with our regular Bible study, classes, devotion and library times,...
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19 Jul 22
As our time in La Mosquitia has come to an end...
As our time in La Mosquitia has come to an end, we have stayed very busy over the last several days. On Friday and Saturday, our two...
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17 Jul 22
Honduras Preteen Arrived Safely at Teen Missions
Honduras Preteen Arrived Safely at Teen Missions
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15 Jul 22
We have had a full week so far doing the work projects and evangelism.
The rain has held off this week so we’ve gone out each day on the river in the afternoons and continued work putting up the fence. The...
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