Teen Missions Overseas
Welcome to Teen Missions in Malawi!
History & Ministries
Teen Missions in Malawi is located on 160 acres on the beautiful shores of Lake Malawi. Monkeys are a common sight and hippos are sometimes visible on the lake. The first Boot Camp was run in Malawi in 1988. Purchased in 1995, our base is home to three annual Boot Camps and a Bible, Missionary & Work (BMW) Training Center (which was founded in 1998). The base also hosts retreats to bring in extra income for its ministries. One of the most important ministries in Malawi is the ministry to the AIDS orphans. There are seven Rescue Units in Malawi and two Matrons Units that provide a safe place to stay for young girls who are attending school. The TMI staff also run a Sunday School Circuit, teaching Sunday schools at several Rescue Units and villages in the Dedza Region of the country.

4—Boot Camps

4—Bible Schools

11—Rescue Units
2—Matron Units

94—Sunday Schools

Retreat Center — Yes
The Land & People of Malawi
Malawi, a small landlocked country in southern Africa, is known as the “warm heart of Africa.” The people are very open and friendly, clearly living up to their motto. The landscape of Malawi is mountainous in parts and the beautiful Lake Malawi stretches along almost the entire length of the nation. Of the 13 million citizens, 900,000 are living with HIV/AIDS and life expectancy is only 43 years. There are up to 400,000 AIDS orphans. Around 80% of the population survives on less than $1 a day. The major source of income for Malawi is agriculture, especially tobacco. Though Christianity is widespread in Malawi, there are many who practice witchcraft or other tribal beliefs. There is also a large population of Muslims.Country Coordinators
News & Updates
26 Feb 21
Mangochi Boot Camp 2020 Solomon Work & EV Team
Digging waterways for the pipes and door to door ministry!
See More
26 Feb 21
10 Feb 21